In a surprise move, Scottville's Ed Hahn, a city commissioner elected in 2014, resigned from that public body earlier this afternoon.  At or about the same time he had sent City Manager Amy Williams his resignation via E-mail, Hahn announced on Facebook that his career in the commission was over for now:

The Mason Clounty Press was quick to pick up on the article, probably in large part because of the close professional relationship between it's chief editor and the manager.  In typical Mason County media fashion, they ran with the story:  Controversial Scottville commissioner resigns. which went on to explain the tenure of Edward Hahn in uncomplimentary style and tone.  Of course, Hahn himself wasn't contacted to verify or find the reasons for the resignation. 

Fortunately, Ex-commissioner Hahn talked with me on the telephone for awhile giving me some of the reasons for why he resigned, most of which center around frustration.  As he has made known, he has consistently strived to get more citizen involvement, but could not get more people to come to the meetings and voice the concerns they would tell him at length when he ran into them on the street. 

Many of these concerned citizens were either intimidated enough of the city leadership or just not able to make the 5:30 PM meeting times, so even though audiences at the meetings rose dramatically, few were actually engaging the commission on topics that meant something to them. 

The proverbial final straw was reached when he noticed alleged felonious activity by a high ranking Scottville official and was stonewalled by Mason County's Sheriff and Prosecuting Attorney in getting it resolved. 

Do not write Citizen Edward Hahn off, however.  He still plans on recording the meetings and engaging on his own at the beginning and ending of the meetings in the public comment periods.  And surely, don't let anybody ever tell you that any old city commissioner with a rubber stamp voting record trumps an energized citizen wanting their government to be open and held accountable.  It's not even close.

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I saw the posting on face book and was sadden to see his resigning on the commission .  I feel that Ed has only had the City of  Scottville and the citizen in his best interest. I am sadden that if you check our record we have had three commissioners resign in the past year.  Not a good record for our City.  

I will be sorry to see his resignation if, and only if, he resigns from his activism on behalf of the silent majority of the city.  I have talked with Edward for hours and I can only agree that his intentions are honorable and in the best interests of the citizens, transparency, and the future of Scottville.  

I cannot say that about any of the other city commissioners and councilors in this county.  I can only hope that the rest are just obediently compliant and not criminally complicit with the managers of the city. 

This is a shame, he was a voice for Scottsville that had a seat on council like Xlfd is a voice for Ludington without a seat but deserves one. The powers that be that want to control everything need to be put in their place. There is a reason Trump is so popular, imagine if someone of power/money/prestige had the BALLS to stand up in these areas how welcomed they would be.

Yes, it is a true shame. Everyone has their own threshold for frustration, patience, and safety for themselves and their family. This is just what the cronies love and desire, push good people out, and keep the stinkers and like-types in place. This is why the entire system is now overrun with bad people, and crooks. The mindset of digging in for the long run, digging up more information that is being covered up, digging in your heels when everyone else appears to not care, and the media heaps it's load of crap on you, is when the going gets real tough. Thanks for your service Ed Hahn, hopefully, another good person will replace your efforts soon.

Ed will probably be able to act as a watch dog better now than when he was serving on the commission. The only problem is he won't be on the inside and have the kind of access he now enjoys. Good luck Ed.

As a former elected (which is a rarity in Scottville nowadays) commissioner his comments will still merit consideration if he keeps them focused, and doesn't become a frustrated citizen when he finds that he's often leading a charge of one person, albeit with the majority of the public behind his stance. 

Ed is a nice, sincere guy and dedicated to the task of getting Scottville turned around, but he has to overcome inertia and the local political machines entrenched strongly in our city gov'ts and media.  If he gets some impetus and ignites some other rear ends, don't be surprised if he runs again for the post he just resigned from.  Hopefully, it's before the current Scottville City Hall mindset runs the town into the ground. 


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