Today's LDN has an interesting article about wastewater discharge changes for continuation of the City to keep dumping it into the PM River and Lake. How come they have a permit to do this, when you or I would be fined for littering a simple can or butt into the Lake? Makes a person wonder about the continuing separate set of rules for the government vs. the public. Your comment is welcome here and at the LDN posting site. Thanks. AQ
Someone new named Kitten, is knocking on your door over yonder, the "No Trespass" door that is, me and RJE are keeping her on tabs for ya now, till ya catch up.
Thanks Tom, I highly respect your contributions...and I'm extremely grateful! You are the reason I am here. I was hoping Ludington understood they are lucky to have a citizen like you.
Look at what I got today, another "threat on my person", courtesy of Dale E.. If you're still looking in Dale, which I assume you are like a mole, come see me in person, and we'll address this hatred you have for me in person, take the matter to the mat, where the visions you have will be turned into stars. Thanks for your love man.
I have enjoyed reading the articles on the site. Great Work! I love the articles, they have so much information in them about our area and its people. Everyone should be reading the articles here. I have to say I like it much better than the local paper. Your articles are not one sided like the local paper, you present the issues and give all information (good or bad) and let everyone comment.
XLFD thank you for the invite and I sure would love to add to the forum, however, due to circumstances beyond my control I am unable to at this time. I'm sure I will at a later date for sure.
No web at home lately. Broke computers and busy with dig surgery. Will check in as possible. Thanks for the award I won't pawn it lol! Dog surgery TPLO.
Please let me know what your e-mail address is. I have a copy of a judicial opinion that I think will help you in the section of your FOIA litigation where you're arguing about FOIA fees. Perhaps you can use this opinion to seek reconsideration of that crazy decision that was just issued by the Court of Appeals.
Thank you! I stumbled across your site through a search about water/sewer regs in the city. I found your post from January about the surreptitious raising of the rates. This explains in part why my condo dues are going up - the association budget is showing a $1000 INCREASE in water/sewer cost for the next budget cycle Oct 2014-Sep 2015.
Do you happen to know the rules for condo buildings? Can I suggest we install meters for each individual unit and have the co-owners pay their own water bills? Or, does the city only put one meter on a condo building and expect the association to pay for it altogether?
What I don't understand about the shop with a cop program is where you come up with the $900 plus amount that is not accounted for. Also why is the same $250 card number on two separate receipts? I'm not very good with math and bookkeeping so I'm curious.
I'm curious about something and have not been able to find an answer. I'm hoping you may know the answer. Is it 'usual practice' to use a person's full name in the body of an op-ed?
Ive heard that a local corrections officer got fired for sleeping with an inmate while on duty and another got fired for falsifying his time card, also A deputy Sargent recently got demoted. What is going on at our local sheriffs office and why is none of this being reported?
I’m not sure how to message you, other than this way...sorry not good with computers. I have no evidence or proof. I’m sorry I wish I knew how to verify the claims all I can tell you is the names of the officers I heard about
Louise, in the upper right corner of the main page you will see your name and an "inbox (1 new)" link under it. Click on that and you'll see a message from me. Click on that, and then reply in that same space. This will be private messaging between you and me. I will use my resources to try and verify your claims; our sheriff's office is remarkably cloaked in secrecy (more so than the COL) since KIm Cole assumed the position of sheriff.
Feb 15, 2011
Candace Turley
don't forget to get skype
Feb 15, 2011
Mar 7, 2011
Jul 26, 2011
Sep 16, 2011
Lisa O'Brien
Sep 21, 2011
Eve Alone
Sep 28, 2011
Oct 19, 2011
In Dulci Jubilo
Yeah, but how do you know which out of the group I am?
Oct 29, 2011
Robin Soff
Nov 18, 2011
william lee
Well thank you very for the welcome...
Mar 29, 2012
Look at what I got today, another "threat on my person", courtesy of Dale E.. If you're still looking in Dale, which I assume you are like a mole, come see me in person, and we'll address this hatred you have for me in person, take the matter to the mat, where the visions you have will be turned into stars. Thanks for your love man.
Mar 30, 2012
Polly Purewater
Thank You for letting me join.
I have enjoyed reading the articles on the site. Great Work! I love the articles, they have so much information in them about our area and its people. Everyone should be reading the articles here. I have to say I like it much better than the local paper. Your articles are not one sided like the local paper, you present the issues and give all information (good or bad) and let everyone comment.
Two Thumbs up for the site.
Apr 19, 2012
Apr 29, 2012
Sweater Cows!
May 1, 2012
Sweater Cows!
May 1, 2012
Thank you XLFD, albeit a little late.
May 21, 2012
Nathan Fricke
Jul 4, 2012
Linda Maleckas
Thank you for the welcome and for a forum for Aldon to present his views. He will be joining amd looks forward to any discussion.
Jul 28, 2012
Aldon Maleckas
Hi XLFD, I was relaxed, but my voice almost failed me. Aldon
Aug 1, 2012
cheryl cole
xl, thanx, there's a fire coming all right, but one in the which you might not be prepared for?!!!!!!
Aug 12, 2012
Thank you! Moved to beautiful downtown Beulah about a month ago. Interesting.
Aug 31, 2012
Thanks, Looks like I have alot of reading to do. Getting information about Ludington seems to be a hard task.
Oct 15, 2012
vickie folk
Dec 27, 2012
Wonder Woman
Thank you! I was hoping to find Iron Man here, too! Shucks!
May 20, 2013
Morning to you also.
Jun 26, 2013
Why don't you post the article about the surfers saving the people at Stearns Beach in the forum section?
Jul 22, 2013
Frank Lawrence
Please let me know what your e-mail address is. I have a copy of a judicial opinion that I think will help you in the section of your FOIA litigation where you're arguing about FOIA fees. Perhaps you can use this opinion to seek reconsideration of that crazy decision that was just issued by the Court of Appeals.
Oct 18, 2013
Lori Reamer
Thank you
Feb 24, 2014
Soupcan Sam
Thank you xlfd, long time reeder first time righter
Mar 3, 2014
Thank you!
Jun 12, 2014
Thank you! I stumbled across your site through a search about water/sewer regs in the city. I found your post from January about the surreptitious raising of the rates. This explains in part why my condo dues are going up - the association budget is showing a $1000 INCREASE in water/sewer cost for the next budget cycle Oct 2014-Sep 2015.
Do you happen to know the rules for condo buildings? Can I suggest we install meters for each individual unit and have the co-owners pay their own water bills? Or, does the city only put one meter on a condo building and expect the association to pay for it altogether?
Mary Ellen
Sep 5, 2014
Hometown Girl
Thank you for the welcome. I am looking forward to reading/commenting on interesting information.
Feb 3, 2015
Judy Carl
Thanks for welcoming me. I've been here several times and enjoyed your insightful articles. Bring it on. The hotter, the better! I LOVE conflict!
Mar 14, 2015
Thanks, but its not much of a "spring" yet.
Mar 23, 2015
Jack O'Neil
Indeed I am
May 27, 2015
Shelby Sowle
Jun 14, 2015
Inquiring Mind
Sep 8, 2015
Thank you and grateful XLFD.
Oct 23, 2015
Barry R. Schrader
Perhaps time to “treat” them to a recall election. Oops, no ---------- way past time.
Oct 31, 2015
Barry R. Schrader
Do you have an e-mail address that I could use that is more private?
Nov 17, 2015
Jackie Derrick
Thank you for the nice welcome :)
Jan 28, 2016
Feb 27, 2017
Tiffanie Morgan
Apr 19, 2017
Nov 18, 2017
louise lane
Jan 2, 2018
louise lane
Jan 3, 2018
Sure hope to hear these names! Bullies need exposed!
Jan 3, 2018
Louise, in the upper right corner of the main page you will see your name and an "inbox (1 new)" link under it. Click on that and you'll see a message from me. Click on that, and then reply in that same space. This will be private messaging between you and me. I will use my resources to try and verify your claims; our sheriff's office is remarkably cloaked in secrecy (more so than the COL) since KIm Cole assumed the position of sheriff.
Jan 3, 2018
Anything special about the CC Mtg. tonight? Thanks, Aqua.
Nov 12, 2018