Anyone feel like paying for a new water tower(More Money)?

Because of the lack of foresight of City Manager Shay and the lack of oversight by the dullards on the city council to challenge him, the upgrade the water treatment plant and distribution system may require the building of an additional water tower.

"The Cadillac District Office of the MEDQ has indicated that the City may not have sufficient water storage capacity. FTCH (the engineering contractor) has requested a clarification from the MEDQ on this issue, so that the City can provide an appropriate response to the MEDQ.  The proposed upgrades to the water treatment plant and water distribution system  do not include any  upgrades to the City's water storage capabilities such as constructing an underground reservoir or a new water tower." 

Page 75

Remember that the recommendations of MEDQ were for a much smaller project. $3,2 million.

That John Shay somehow decided that supplying water to Michigan Power was a good deal and that it would be beneficial for the residents of Ludington. Shay really got snookered on that one. The price for the upgrades ballooned the project to $10.6 million. Residents are subsidising Michigan Power without sharing in the benefits (Profits).

Recall also that the MEDQ stated that the City's retention system for the material backwashed from the filters will be inadequate  by the additional load of supplying water to Michigan Power (More Money).

Now tack on another gift to the city courtesy of John Shay and the inept herd of Councilors. A new water tower (More Money). 

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Good find shinblind. This really falls on the heads of the Council. It's their vote and permission that created this situation. When will Ludington get Councilors with brains who won't hand over their duties and responsibilities to a hired hand. The Strawman in Oz could easily out think any of these dopes.

Good questions to ask.  I've previously presumed that the water storage issue would be met by using the PM water tower at the end of Sixth Street as a receptacle, but it isn't clear that would be available. 

The Michigan Power deal was arranged almost exclusively with John Shay and our city attorneys behind closed doors with MP officials and the PM Twp. Supervisor.  I've tried for these records and been rebuffed on different grounds regarding 'privileged information'. 

I've heard indirectly from both of those two other entities that this was an incredible deal for them.  It's terrible for us.  Our debt goes way up, our sewer rates double in a handful of years, PM Township gets our water for 5/8 of what we pay for it for ourselves, while we are left paying for the upgrades to supply them with the cheap water.

I guess the people of Ludington should be grateful that the City Council didn't give the water away at no cost. They probably thought they were being good neighbors or there may have been some under the table agreements. Just speculation. I mean who would even consider that possibility seeing that the Council always has the best interest of Ludingtons citizen in mind when they do these types of questionable deals. Maybe the citizens should organize and form a corporation of their own in order to get their own sweetheart deal but then again who's going to pay for all of that extra bayou tainted water? 


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