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Saw a helicopter flying low over the woods past the corn field today.
The SSCENT team or State Sheriffs Chiefs Enforcement Narcotics Team and other local, regional and National anti drug units are a top funding source for the Mexican and South American cartels.
Every Dollar that American and in this case Michigan marijuana farmers lose due to crop seizures is a dollar that will likely be spent on marijuana imported from South of the U.S. border. Whether these farmers are growing for their own winter supply or to supplement their unemployment checks and avoid the welfare line we can't determine
If we support our local SSCENT teams seizure efforts we only have ourselves to blame when we hear of the growing cartel and South American gang influence burgeoning up from Mexico.
Whenever a marijuana smoker has to buy imported products the true profits are going to go to the countries where these products originate.
In the same way that companies who have moved there manufacturing divisions overseas and made overseas countries rich with manufacturing and destroyed the USA's middle class, anti drug task forces are pushing money out of our country.
If every dollar spent on marijuana -and it will be spent whether we like it or not,- were to be put into our local growers instead of the Cartels and Gangs hands then we may be able to eliminate one of the funding sources for the Cartels.
So far this year the DEA reports that Michigan law enforcement has seized roughly 35,000 plants. If every one of those plants produced and used here in Michigan were still available there would be a lot of money that the cartels would not receive as income. For example, If each plant was worth only $100 we would have kept $350,000 dollars out of the hands of the cartels and in the hands of Michigan farmers. Change one hundred dollars to $1000 dollars (a fair value) and we have kept 3.5 Million dollars here in Michigan and out of the murderous cartels hands.
Call and email your local officials. Let them know you would rather they stay on the streets and work on ridding our country of the gang and cartel expansion that is overtaking our country. Tell them to leave be the local residents who are trying to keep money in the hands of Michiganders and Americans.
A listing of local agencies who are supporting Cartels and Gangs rather it be with helicopter searches or old fashioned entrapment can be found through a google search of 'SSCENT' and by following a link to the Michigan.gov website.
Do you support the farming community here in the Michigan and the United States, or would you rather see that money in the hands of Mexican Drug lords who have overrun South and Central America with their bribes and terror and are now looking to use the economy of the USA as their funding source?
One of the few times I would side with the guy/gal who posted it on LT. I am a strict libertarian. All the states and localities should have the right to any commerce they see fit. If CA passes the Cannabis for recreation statute, they will take care of all their financial woes
On a separate note, I think it is the harder drugs that are being muled in the bellies of pregnant migrant workers that are being fought over on the border. Being as the control of our borders in one of the only original constitutional right of the federal government they need to get to their job and leave the state of AZ alone to deal with it as they see fit.
"On a separate note, I think it is the harder drugs that are being muled in the bellies of pregnant migrant workers that are being fought over on the border."
Agreed, but one thing at a time I suppose. I have read or watched a lot of news articles about the Cartels regarding methamphetamine, cocaine, heroine, guns and who knows what else. To speak of a complete undoing of the cartels would take more backbone than this country has left. I think all the aforementioned products would have to be put into circulation by BIG PHARMA. As much as we would love to see these products not even exist I don't think that is even a remote possibility. IF methamphetamine, cocaine, heroine, guns and who knows what else must be in use then we should at least put there distribution into the hands of Big Pharma as they would do it with less death(on both sides of the border) than we are getting from the cartels controlling it. Of course the complete shift in thinking of the general public of these items as products or commodities makes this an unlikely scenario. And of course there is a whole group profiting now that would fight that scenario tooth and nail.
"Being as the control of our borders in one of the only original constitutional right of the federal government they need to get to their job and leave the state of AZ alone to deal with it as they see fit." THAT is a whole different thread, but I concur.
I dont think Big Pharma is the distribution answer either, as it was the industry that caused the substances to become (controlled substances) to begin with. But If you look back in history of the time when America lifted prohibition, it took the financial teeth out of the gangs who controled the illegal trade did it not?
I am not sure I would ever use Canibus even if it were now made legal. I did when I was in the service overseas. I think I just grew out of my sitting on the couch eatting popcorn phase of my life back then?? lol
The bottom line I think if you look back at any case of something made illegal from guns to drugs the prohibition only stopped honest people from doing the substance, and enpowering those willing to go above the law to supply it, to those wanting to go above the law to use it.
Permalink Reply by XLFD on October 6, 2010 at 11:35pm
Something I don't really understand is this. An initiative in Michigan was passed in 2008 giving way for the use and cultivation of marijuana for medical purposes.
Before this was passed, the SSCENT program was funded in the city of Ludington at the end of 2007 and is funded at least up to 2012 for around $65,000 in just wages and fringes alone, as seen on this budget ledger for just the city.
That seems a high amount to just target narcotic operations here. The SSCENT program is just one of many Michigan narcotics teams, one that serves the four county area of Mason, Oceana, Manistee, and Lake Counties.
I think drugs are a problem, even many prescription ones, and I steer clear from them, and try to help others do so who think they need them. But I think most of the money being used for these programs is wasted, and would be better off used for more generalized purposes.
I think the large amounts are due to the undercover atributes to the narko teams. Typically they get paid far more than straight law enforcement.
I agree the numbers are large. We spend far too much on the enfocemtn end of the problem and not enough on the preventitive side I feel.