On February 25, 2014, Lincolntown, North Carolina resident, septuagenarian Bobby Canipe, who is handicapped, was shot by York County (SC) Sheriff Deputy Terence Knox when he got out of his pickup and reached into the back of his truck for his cane, which is when Deputy Knox’s uncontrollable fear took over and the Deputy fired not one but several shots at Canipe, hitting him once.
Does it sound like our own "shoot first" Michigan State Police Trooper James Luttrull who gunned down William Marble late at night in his house? Not exactly, because at least this guy had some remorse afterwards and knew he made a terrible mistake in shooting this social-security-drawing individual whose crime was not renewing his plates.
Deputy Knox has since been placed on paid leave, while the South Carolina Law Enforcement Division “investigates” the incident and does whatever it can to blame the victim and eliminate any legitimacy to claims of wrongdoing on the part of the fearless deputy.
Though the investigation is ongoing, and Knox is still on leave, Sheriff Bruce Bryant said this about the incident. “This officer felt at the time that he pulled the trigger, that his life was in danger, and I stand behind this officer," he said.
Good, because if you stand in front of him, you're likely to get some lead in you. Here is the dashcam video of the event which was just released, with a very sympathetic media-- to the aggressor:
“Shots fired! Shots fired! Drop the gun! Drop the gun!”. Seriously!? Are police officers trained to say drop the gun repeatedly after they have just shot an innocent citizen, instead of before, as what happened with William Marble. Even if they know it was not a gun, as in this case.
The viewer is clearly able to see that Canipe is elderly and that he is removing a cane from the bed of his truck. Indeed, the cane is already out of the truck before Knox opens fire. We all know by now that officer safety trumps common sense, because for all we know that could have been one of those 'sword canes' or maybe a new 'rifle cane' hybrids that those elderly folks like waving at police officers.
That the York County Sheriff's Department has issued statements from their public information officer and sheriff condoning the deputy's actions despite what is seen on the dashcam footage is a good reason for the good people of York County to demand some big change, and Mr. Canipe to get a big bonus on his retirement courtesy of all those well paid YCSD officers who condone this type of behavior.
The response also follows another incident where another deputy shot and killed a dog on March 4 in Rock Hill. That video was also shown to reporters Wednesday. The shooting itself happens off camera, but the gunshot is heard. The deputy involved in that incident said the dog charged him, and he didn't have time to get away. "These are unfortunate situations," Bryant said. "But I don't see that either of these officers made a mistake, in my opinion."
If shooting at someone getting out of their vehicle and coming toward you with a weapon (or what you think is a weapon) is not a mistake and is totally justified, then why all the fuss about Eric Knysz?
And what about if you get your gun to respond to someone who comes to your door at midnight with their weapon drawn? If that 'home-invader', fresh from eavesdropping at your windows, then shoots you in your own house without you even firing a shot, is that shooting justified? If you wear a badge and your brethren conduct the investigation it surely is. Otherwise, you're facing life in prison.
Here is an unedited video in this link. In the original news video above, Deputy Knox goes around telling other officers he thought the old man had a gun and that the old man wasn't following directions. There was no directions given before he was shot at repeatedly. Deputy Knox is a disgrace, trying to save his own ego and incompetence by distorting the record.
It's hard to believe that the officer could not see what was going on 30ft. away with headlights blazing. Most people also know when any person looks into headlights that are just feet away that the person in the headlights is unable to see anything but the lights.This officer had better find another way to make a living because he is dangerous. This is another example of an officer drawing his weapon before he knew what was going on. I don't care how bad the officer feels, he doesn't feel as bad as his victim. How could the officer feel threatened? What could he have been afraid of? Some police shoot people, kill people and then they think a "sorry" will make it all better. In my opinion this didn't even come close to being a mistake. The article in the link below said he was shot in the stomach and will survive. A gut shot is one of the most deadly wounds aside from a heart or head wound and a wound to the abdomen is very difficult to heal especially for an elderly person. This is outrageous.
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