Check out the top of page three in today's Ludington Daily News. Here is a brief synopsis of the event, which is a minor part of this push against a private citizen. Perhaps someone with a subscription to the E-Edition of the LDN can post the expanded version:
Below, was my letter to each of the Ludington City Councilors with an E-Mail address made over this weekend, expressing my appeal. The amount of legal and factual inaccuracies in the article will be covered in more detail as I get more time.
Once again I am the appellant for a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request that is being considered on the agenda for your 11-8-10 meeting. I received the letter from FOIAC Shay in Friday’s mail, and was not able to read it until this Saturday, so hopefully, you check your E-Mail on a regular basis because I have not the time to get something through you in the snail mail before your meeting, and I have pledged to never talk with haughty public servants on the phone again.
Nothing in the City or State’s appeal process for FOIA requests say I can represent myself in front of the appellant entity within the public body, so I won’t bother showing up on Monday night and having you make your own rules to mock the process. I offer here a brief synopsis, followed by my letter from April which explains your FOIAC’s inability to follow legal process, both then and now. You ignored it then, so I am not expecting much now, though this FOIA appeal does proffer a new angle.
I was mischaracterized in the previous appeal as “not liking the decision to pay ½ of the upfront costs.” as per the minutes of that meeting. If you read my letter, I objected to the original quote of $600 without the FOIAC specifically identifying the nature of the unreasonably high costs of my simple request, which was then capriciously changed to $120 in his next letter to me, still without identifying any reason, specific or general, for the high costs of just inspecting the documents, as per the law.
As per the law, the fee he quoted is not a recognized fee per the FOIA as he did not specify the nature of the costs. This is why I did not recognize any lawful fee last time, and due to the same mistake on his part, there is no fee recognized by law in his response. He is entitled to let me inspect the documents or fall in arrears of the law.
This time, he once again failed to mention what the nature of the costs were for the four separate FOIA Requests I sent on 10-18, and the five separate requests I sent in on 10-25. For both he sent a form letter that said paradoxically that my request was Granted, but required a fee and also that it was denied because a public record does not exist. Each of my requests (attached) had four or five clearly distinct requests. If your FOIAC wants to use one incomplete and confusing form for four or five requests, he is once again operating outside of the law, and failing to serve the public in his appointed office.
In his letter notifying me of my appeal going through, dated 11-3, FOIAC Shay states that his policy as FOIAC is to not charge a fee for inspection anytime the costs to the city to search/compile records are less than $100. He finally, after two inquiries and all the past inquiries, breaks down the specific labor costs incurred by my nine FOIA requests which total $367.25. Per his figuring, That’s less than $41 a request and should allow me to inspect these free even on this count. Likewise, unless City Hall is totally helter skelter, I can’t imagine any of my initial requests taking 3 hours of a City Manager’s time, since each simple request could be gathered by lesser paid employees of the city.
Stonewall the citizens who have a right to know about the workings of their government, or follow the law. It seems so obvious to me what your decision should be. Here’s a link to the MI FOIA, have Mr. Shay search a few hours for the city's policy for you:
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