On Tuesday, I accompanied XLFD down to City Hall for his interview for Third Ward Councilor. But first, I was sent to that public facility to get John Shay to sign a "Letter of Permission" so that X would get written permission to enter without fear of arrest. It's pretty funny; this guy has devoted his last couple of years to find out why City and County Officials have wasted tax dollars, violated established codes of ethics, and disobeyed laws they were stewards of, and yet he is one of the most harmless and affable men I know. A guy who as "Firefighter Tom" helped teach Fire Safety to our area's kids for years, and has such a sensitive side that all who he allows to know him well grow to respect and love him.
When he uncovered the undisputable facts behind what he calls "Signgate", where the Community Development Director and her fiance serving in the Downtown Development Authority had his company do $15,000 of contracted sign work before any competitive bids for the project were even considered, and then unfairly skewed the bidding process to his company's benefit, the Empire of Ludington decided to strike back.
The City created a policy especially for him, wherein he was branded as a brute who made someone in the City feel physically threatened and intimidated by him. This public policy forbid him to enter the City Hall or the Police Department, without any hint of due process, and threatened him with arrest if he entered to pay a utility bill, get a garbage sticker, or report a crime being committed. Instead of disciplining the errant DDA operatives for ethical wrongdoing or issuing some sort of explanation, they attacked the public watchdog and smeared him in the paper once again.
John Shay would not sign X's Letter of Permission, he had to make me wait about a half hour and wrote one himself. When X showed up, Herr Shay reminded him of his power of allowing him to enter the premises, and when X left, he so gracefully allowed X to be able to show up at the next City Council meeting where they would decide who the next councilor is.
John Shay was mostly silent throughout the interview, but when the topic of the expensive water tower project came up, he defended his purchase, but avoided the topic of the total cost of the project. He also had the notion that the Company who contracted for the $1.2+ million project were going to paint the water tower again under this contract in ten years. A thorough reading of that contract has no such wording of that, nor would it be good business sense for the company to do that when they can start a new ten year contract for about $2 million in 2020.
Councilor Castonia accused X of the high crime of perjury for having resided in the third ward for 17 years and being registered at his mailing address since the last millenium in a ward outside of the Third. An affidavit of registration does not make you affirm a statement that you are a resident of a specific ward in a city, just that you live in the city. I would advise this ex-policeman to look at the laws once again. If you review the excellent pictures taken at that venue, it looked and looks as if his face is in a constant frown, but I saw this look on each of the councilors. Their conscience must weigh heavy on them.
The best thing I learned was that the love of my life could hold his own against these pulpits of bullies and his beliefs in lower taxes and fees, less interference with the private sector, and the inherent rights of our citizens. He overcame his nervousness, stood behind his views even when they were criticized, and spoke from the heart and from the brain.
I would appreciate help coming from anywhere, Lando, I definitely will need help to weather the local political machine which has banded against me (for some reason) ... and my closest allies will mostly be 'outsiders', whether they're ones who live here or not.
At this point, I do have enough petition circulators ready to circulate if I toss my hat into the hula hoop, but if you can point me to some folks who are registered to vote in Ludington and sympathetic to my causes, I would greatly appreciate it. My political naivety and lack of resources (my printer isn't even working) are other hurdles I must get over. If you, your friend, or anyone else has something to offer my cause, please send me a message.
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