
Ludington, MI

United States

Comment Wall:


    Thanks, I already started invites last nite to help out.
  • Edie Lindsey

    Best wishes on the new site. I've never put music on before, can you give a brief tutorial, or is it super easy. Probably will not post much until January-- family comes first. I like your mission statement.
  • Victoria George Cook

    Got to love that default photo. How did you know what I look like on Saturday morn???

    Red Ribbon

    Only on the air a few days and look at the membership already. By the end of next month you'll have over 100 at the rate your going. GO TORCH!

    Love that new pic. on the top of the page, only thing is you forgot to insert the Badger trying to navigate thru that mess. Thanks. AQUA

    Ah-ha, that fiery pumpkin idea was ok afterall. Looks good on ya. Keep up the good work. AQUA
  • Michelle McLouth

    Heeeeres ur SIGN! LOL
  • Michelle

    Good gosh! Have no idea who you might be, but if you know Angel, you must be a crazy person! LOL

    Cute music for sure, you're crazy man!

    We got a wild man drunk as a skunk out here attacking all your customers right now, even you! Or maybe he's sober and just nuts!

    Aqualad has accomplished your first task. Now, on to the real work that requires attention to reality checks and balances of life. AQ
  • Mary A.

    Thanks, XFLD. I'll give this a try.
  • Mary A.

    You are awesome, X. Thanks so much. I just have not had time to fool with it this week - five days crammed into four at work.
  • Max

    Yeah we had quite a discussion tonight. I also had an a few epic discussions today on Facebook though not with any Soupers, but still entertaining!

    Oh-oh, I see a new avatar is on your page now. WOW, nice too.

    There's an email at your gmail address on the Dec. Soup global warming thread that needs to be posted over on soup rehab, hoping you can do that, Behr's comments to put both us down, as well as claim he needs to clean up the soup for liberal only applications, etc.. Thanks.
  • Edie Lindsey

    Red Ribbon
  • Willy

    Yes there are 2 signs I painted over. The sign at the tree had an obcene form sprayed painted on it and the other sign is directly behind the deer at the end of the road.

    How'd ya like the new pic. of you, the pumpkinman, chomping the zoupers pumpkins, and showing your fangs?? Pumpkinman gone wild, no like zoupers comic pics., me neither. Thanks for sharing those, any more yet? Btw, are those condo pics in Manistee or elsewhere?
  • masonco

    Thanks! I I'll check things out more later. With Hubby chronically sick, I get overwhelmed with country living and outside work.

    Have shoveling to do and wood to haul in.

    That's one creative avatar for the torch, by gosh, where did you ever find that? Or did you make that beauty?

    See Be Vigilant today, regarding Coco. Btw, Stan does need to tone it down. Acting like God doesn't impress me at all, nor trying to dictate and talk down to the ladies of this forum all the time with rough language.

    Today, I removed the double homicide thread. It served no purpose as originally intended, that to see if the murderer could be found and caught quickly by LPD. Can't be useful now that the truth is known. I see where Barry and Stan are now friends, that tell ya something? They never even conversed to each other yet, pals now? Same person if you ask me.

    Where's the link to the Behr attacks against me lately, it's not on my screen. Thanks.
  • Darkseid

    Oh I don't fish much like I used to - I do bowhunt - already have my permit(s), and waiting for muzzleloading season.

    Thanks for the welcome - but not too cool on the immature rantings of some of your members on a LT member who passed away - I would think even you would chastise them a bit of such a thing.

    Looks like you got your work cut out for you again in booting the agitators that are wreaking havoc here today, and there are several to choose from. Sorry for your mess. Btw, I don't care to have my name or that of my fellow posters stained like this now.

    BD Wed., #57. Hooray!
  • charlemagnetism

    xfld this cite is a hoot and seems a lot busier than lud talks. i even like the looney tooney or tooneys that keeps crashing the gate. i added a discussion tonight you might like to way in on about firefighters.

    I see you finally got that pumpkin theme up yesterday, just in time for the Hallowed Haunt.
  • Public Record

    Why was a public record recently deleted from this site?

    Should certain public records be allowed to be hidden from public view and deliberately withheld from public discussion? A well known judge recently professed on public television that most criminal convictions are public information except to protect certain innocent victims and minors. But what about the guilty? What GOOD is the Freedom of Information Act when certain individuals are allowed to HIDE their own illegal activity?

    Take a look at Edie's page, it's being interrupted with bs again. That Rape thread is way too off track now, it's about a Dog Park, not individuals, nor anyone's public records, and Pubic Relentless is too restless for any newbie to be a real contributor, just another dis, br, ab, and so forth imho.
  • charlemagnetism

    is the torch lounge ready to go yet. update me.

    Does Edie ever check her home page anymore? It's got spam in it for some time now, if she didn't know it already? Thanks. AQ
  • Edie Lindsey

    Thanks for the B-day wish. I thought it was from Disarm at first. LOL.
  • charlemagnetism

    no takers for the torch lounge yet.  i dont think its flying here govner so i wont add more til i get some.  o bother.  latest dda thread kicks but not enow.  dirty deeds are done dirt cheap by all biz owners dipping into the public till.  the norm. 
  • RedStormRizing

    ty for the b-day wish, XL.... I have the distinct honour of sharing my b-day with Elvis & Bowie... although I don't count Elvis' b-day since he stopped having them after death... (at least most of us believe he's dead...lol) I am a Bowie fanatic thru & thru though... so that part is truly an honour :)

    Hehe I am sneaky sneaky...
  • Eve Alone

    My MLK post is better than yours.  Nah, Nah, Nah, Nah, NAH.

  • Edie Lindsey

    When are you going to bring up the stuff you showed me the other night?