is this site linked to the ludington pitchfork? I noticed that people are posting pics of someones house thats a bit of a mess outside.

  • QueenofSpades

    If thats this group then shame oh whoever is doing it. I understand this groups fight against corruption in authority, however when we target each other for the small things we will tear each other apart. no need for the powerful to worry about the meek when the meek destroy each
  • XLFD

    Yes, this site is linked to the Ludington Pitchfork and there was one post showing what the anonymous poster thought was blight. What was instructive was how many folks came to the defense of the lot owner. If you look through the 80 comments made (including ones I made as "Xavier Luft") you will find that they found the post as objectionable as you. I left it up as a good object lesson for those who try to shame others and who wind up being shamed in the end, as the anonymous poster was. Could the LP have taken the picture down due to it being tasteless and/or unproductive? Yes, but then we wouldn't have seen a bunch of good people, like yourself, come out and defend the lot owner (whose name and address are not listed).
  • QueenofSpades

    Very fair points I don't actually have facebook so I didn't have the time to keep scrolling. Just seeing that made me feel pretty put off from the group. I'm all about sticking it to the man, so long as we don't devolve into some north Korea style of watching our neighbors like hawks lol