Me and the kid went on the 'Rip Cord'. 183 feet and one must pull the release once your up there. Thought for a bit I was going to have a stroke, but we loved it. Next up Bujee jumping, paraflite school, who knows.
She still won't go on the roller coasters though!!! But is ready for another round on the 'Rip Cord'. (I don't like them either, to rough on the body esp. my neck)
The Lindsey Clan is going down there next month. Last time I went I remember them having a list of the rides and rated them for their thrill-factor. Wonder if they actually have a list for those who have some concerns about their backs, necks, or other parts they worry about? Last time I started on this one ride with so many dips and swift turns, I was gun shy for the rest of the day, for worry of my health.
There are signs on the entry ways to the rides that say not to ride them if you are/ have...neck, should, back issues even with pictures; pregnant;high blood pressure; I can't remember what else. They also have levels like 1-5, pretty much like the slopes rating at a ski resort that you mention above.
I also Have to avoid those rides. Well, I don't have to but it takes a few trips to the chiro to straighten things out if I don't.
Seems like the rides with all the medical warnings were pretty much the same as the level 3-5 rated.
Just got the map handout and yes the ratings are explained and shown on the list of the rides and height requirtements not the whole thing quoted but close follows
# 1 generally calm
#2 low speed, gentle motion and braking
#3 Low to med spd moderate motion and braking, unexpected chang in direction and or elevation may occer(deep h20 for water rides).
#4 Med to high speed, mod to rapid braking. unexpected changes in speed, elevation, direction.(h20 depth may vary, strong swimmer)
#5May have high speeds/heights, aggresive/unexpected forces, rapiddirection elevation change, Unexpected rapid change in speed/direcrtion elevation.( Deep water, control and strog swimmer required.
The water park is my preferred venue as it is gentler on the body.
The mad mouse is rough and turned me off of any of the other roller coasters as I hate being jarred around., hitting the bottom on loggers run is almost and instant stop. Zacks zipper is tolerable, but I go on the scrambler even if it is is rough on the neck.
The rest of the coasters I can live without.
But the 'Rpi Cord' isn't a rough ride, just can you face your fears ride.. I had to do it to prove to myself I am not chicken. lol
Hers an online list from there website, now you can plan your day! (go waterpark first as it closes earlier than amusements and it isn't so big that you can't do each ride once and still have time on coasters)
Makesure you guys eat before you go there like at whitehall Mcd's as then if you do waterpark first there is no vomiting worries, Once the food is through the GI tract it's time for the coasters, well, I'd rather see ppl dry heave then have projectile vomit. An ice cream sundae is $6. If going all day pack a lunch and go out to parking lot and eat. (the kid and I just eat in when it's the two of us alone, but we ate well before going and never had to eat till we left at close. we didn't go til 3 or so though.
Thanks for the info' mation, Sheila. I will do some research into what I can ride-- but I bet it's every single ride that the young uns don't want to ride.
Good advice about the food, too. I've seen better prices at five star restaurants.