Here's the spot to talk about your favorite or most hated NFL teams. I'm a Lions fan, not sure why some days.. lol... but I still support them regardless.

Anyway, feel free to talk trash if ya want... its all in good fun!

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Packers WIN tonight, 23-16 over Eli's Giants at Home. Next week late afternoon game against Dallas Cowboys, Pack now 3-1, and Vikings 4-1, after Pack has pass week last Sunday.

How things have changed since you posted this. Don't know what's up with Rodgers but his play has been off this season, just hasn't looked quite the same. The injuries haven't helped them either, their defense has taken a beating the last several games giving up a lot of points. As a Lion fan I'm not heartbroken that the Packers are having some tough times but know that they probably won't last forever.

On a funnier note, saw this a few days ago and thought I might share........

Way too many IR players this season at GB for sure. Let's see if the Lions can capture the division championship for a change and be successful at the playoffs, it's long past due, thanks Dave.

Jordy Nelson catches 60 yard pass with less than 25 seconds in game against Bears. Packers win in last 3 seconds of game with 30-27 score. Lions and Vikings both lose today, Pack still in the divisional race now. GO PACK!!!


PACKERS WIN TODAY over Cowboys, 34-31 to go on to NFC Division Championship game next week in Atlanta. Crosby 51 yd. FG wins game with only 3 seconds on clock. GO PACK!


I knew you wouldn't be able to resist spreading that news, Aquaman.  The Packers have gotten hot at the right time of the year; the same time of the year I don my green and yellow coat.

Vikings looking better all the time now, and Green Bay not now, neither the LIONS, so will be an interesting season at the end now and no true end till the end.


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