Willy replied to XLFD's discussion Scottville Commissioner Deering Earns an Early Summer Vacation
"I understand the City Charter gives the City C omission the right to send Deering packing and maybe that's a good thing, however i still do not think that's the way elected officials should…"
17 hours ago
Willy replied to XLFD's discussion A Public Meeting in Ludington Where the General Public Cannot Attend
"What's the solution. Like many publicly owned facilities people are kept out because they do not pay to use those facilities such as municipal golf courses. People cannot waltz on the course and…"
17 hours ago
Willy commented on XLFD's photo

New Basketball Courts Open for Business, June 11, 2024

"Thanks for the information X.  I thought this might have been an attempt by the City to use more tax dollars to atone for their mishandling of the elementary school closings fiasco when they…"
17 hours ago
XLFD replied to XLFD's discussion Lawsuit Against City of Ludington Seeks Relief Against Unlawful FOIA Fees
"I was hoping that the arrival of a new city manager in Mitch Foster, a new city attorney in Ross Hammersley, and the ascendancy of a non-elitist councilor in Angela Serna around 5 years ago would…"
XLFD commented on XLFD's photo

New Basketball Courts Open for Business, June 11, 2024

"This was the church's property, donated and from what I understand the labor and materials was donated by Rieth-Riley and Ludington Paint & Glass.  The LPD has tried to claim some of…"
QueenofSpades commented on XLFD's photo

New Basketball Courts Open for Business, June 11, 2024

"Best way to keep kids out of trouble is to give them safe places to hang out. This was needed"
XLFD posted discussions
XLFD replied to XLFD's discussion A Public Meeting in Ludington Where the General Public Cannot Attend
"That's the point, Willy.  As a public facility, they cannot allow one class to use the pool freely (slip holders at either of the two public marinas), one class to pay a monthly stipend (as…"
Willy replied to XLFD's discussion A Public Meeting in Ludington Where the General Public Cannot Attend
"I think the policy the COL is trying to put forth is that the facilities are open to the public but only to those that pay the necessary fees. It could be argued that if a fee is not established for…"
Willy commented on XLFD's photo

New Basketball Courts Open for Business, June 11, 2024

"Whose property is this built on and how was it financed?"