Ludington City Council Special Meeting, Sept. 30, 2024: Welcome Waggin' for the New Manager

The agenda packet for the September 30, 2024 special meeting of the Ludington City Council showed that it was for one purpose only: to formally hire and approve the contract for who would be the next city manager of Ludington, Kaitlyn Aldrich.  The venue for this meeting was the 'Community Room' in the city hall basement for some reason and held at 7:30 PM, and yet about ten members of the public, including Ms. Aldrich (shown below), attended.

Knowing that this meeting would likely not be recorded and deal primarily with the city manager recruiting issues, the Ludington Torch took this not only as a transitional moment in city leadership, but in the way we address the council from here on, or at least until they figure out that they need to respect the voice of the people once again, to earn the respect they feel they deserve, as expressed by Councilor Stibitz and Mayor Barnett at the last meeting.  

This will be a notable demarcation from how I've addressed the council over the past 14 years, where I have been critical at times, firmly set in opposition to policy and corrupt actions, but respectful of polite decorum in hope that officials would solve problems rather than create or worsen them.  As part of that, I used stronger language than usual and didn't bother to try and fish for their empathy or sympathy for our citizens; they have shown over the last two years they have neither, just antipathy, apathy, and some sociopathy. 

Why the change in address?  For one, the current regime needs to be challenged, at all levels they have created a climate that is totally inconducive to public debate and progress; it's not only undemocratic it's unrepublican.  For another, their decision to use baseless lawfare against me in order to threaten my freedom and reputation.  Their own version of Fanny Willis is set to charge me with two misdemeanors on Thursday, and with the corruption at the courthouse in full flower, the outcome may fall outside the bounds of justice.   The infamy needs to be broadcast and met with the contempt it deserves.

So as the meeting convened and they dispensed with the normal order of business, this reporter rose first and addressed the officials in this new era of communication.  I was definitely wearing "the shirt":  

XLFD:  "At your last meeting, Mayor Karl Marx Barnett asked me to consider wearing a different shirt than this to the next meeting, and I seriously considered it-- until the last part of that meeting.  First, a councilor ignored the content of my two comments in a totally passive aggressive manner, by mentioning how she appreciated the three other citizens who spoke at the meeting.  I'm so glad she's not teaching civics to my child, they would wind up a neutered sheep like her if I didn't take corrective action.

Then Mayor Marx got out his chocolate cake and figuratively tried to shove my face into it while admitting he was so triggered by this shirt that he couldn't even remember my first comment but for two words, while saying how wonderful the First Amendment was.  One should not hug the First Amendment while at the same time telling it to shut the Hell up. 

My shirt printed to celebrate a failed assassination, shows Donald Trump with his middle-finger extended saying "You missed, bitches."  I've wore it many places, it always gets a laugh and starts positive conversation, except in this chamber.  It echoes my message to city leaders who almost had me killed when they hired, without a contract in place, USDA sharpshooters to take out deer at Cartier Park in the middle of the night-- at least that's what we were told on multiple occasions.  In broad daylight, against multiple park rules, they started shooting in close proximity to me while I was in the park.  I was lucky, this city was lucky, that I did not get shot that day due to the USDA and city's gross negligence.  

Yet I can't help feeling that several city officials are saddened by the fact that their pest removal squad failed to bag THIS magnificent stag, so I feel the need to regularly remind you that you had your chance, and you missed-- bitches.  [Turning around] Welcome to Ludington, Kaitlyn."  [END comment]

Former Councilor Jeanne "Hoax" Oakes, serving unlawfully as 'interim city manager', asked me whether I wore 'the shirt' to church.  I replied no-- but maybe if it had a collar...

Chuck Sobanski fully relishing his Fourth Ward mayor status. went next, after I dropped the mike to him, and welcomed the new hire also and noted she had big shoes to fill.  Honestly, those shoes contracted in size over the last year, so hopefully her feet will be too big for them.  Jefferson Henry finished out, letting the council know that he supported their choice whatever that might be.  

And it wasn't a guarantee; Aldrich wasn't a unanimous choice in the sept 14 special meeting where three candidates were considered.  Councilor John Terzano and Wally Cain both voted against her then, Terzano did the same on this occasion, later explaining that he accepted the rest of the council's decision and affirmed his vote would not affect his future relations with her in achieving the best for the city.

They would all approve the $120,000/year contract which was made to end in about fourteen months after beginning on November 11th, 2024.  More details are found in the meeting packet, but it all seems to be a bit tentative and one wonders why it doesn't go at least until the end of 2026, since she would be dealing with the same council she would deal with in 2025 (barring vacancies).  

After they patted themselves on the back for clearing out the southbound lane of Rath Avenue then adjourned, I was able to meet for a short time with the future city manager in a pleasant visit where I told her my youngest daughter had the same name as her, and she shared some of her own child-rearing stories.  I couldn't help but wonder if our mayor hadn't chosen her above others because he thought that he could easily dominate her as far as Ludington's power structure is set up.  

One strong perception behind what made former city manager, Mitch Foster, move on was the power struggle happening behind the scenes (and sometimes openly), which made Foster buy into unpopular projects (like the deer cull, for example) he would not otherwise support as an intelligent use of resources.  Wiil the new city manager be able to survive 14 months of being bludgeoned by the mayor flexing his mandate with a continued disregard for the laws when applied to the city?  Will her character survive given all of the political infighting and outfighting at city hall?  Stay tuned. 

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    Well done X. Of course we all know they will next try to ban political T-shirts. And what you stated will be considered hate speech and you will be banned from using any and all transgender Ludington bathrooms. Also, we are now ready for Ludingtons next attempt at how to suppress  the voting class.  Barbie Power and her new adventures. Go Barbie, Go Barbie!

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      Rom TottaM

      Tone and Maturity
      The tone is excessively confrontational and juvenile, akin to a petulant child throwing a tantrum. Instead of offering constructive criticism, the author resorts to name-calling and hyperbole, referring to the mayor as “Karl Marx Barnett” and using derogatory terms like “neutered sheep” to describe council members. This approach not only undermines their credibility but also alienates potential allies who might share their concerns. Such behavior reflects a lack of maturity and a refusal to engage in meaningful dialogue.

      Lack of Substance
      Rather than focusing on the qualifications and vision of the new city manager, the text fixates on personal grievances and past incidents, such as the deer culling controversy. While personal experiences can be powerful, they should serve to enhance an argument, not dominate it. The author’s fixation on past slights distracts from any real discussion about Aldrich’s qualifications or the direction she might take the city, leaving readers questioning the author’s priorities.

      Desperate for Attention
      The use of a provocative T-shirt and an aggressive style of address seems less about genuine protest and more about self-aggrandizement. The author appears more interested in being the center of attention than in fostering a productive discussion about city management. This desire for notoriety undermines their claims of advocating for the community, making it seem as though their primary goal is to vent personal frustrations rather than engage in civic improvement.

      Oversimplification of Issues
      The author oversimplifies complex political dynamics, reducing serious governance issues to personal attacks and insults. The dismissal of council members as “sociopaths” and the alarmist tone regarding the city’s leadership only serve to amplify divisions rather than encourage collaboration. This perspective is not only unhelpful but counterproductive, as it fosters an environment of hostility rather than constructive engagement.

      Conspiracy Theories and Hyperbole
      The text hints at conspiratorial thinking, particularly with references to “baseless lawfare” and the notion of a “climate that is totally inconducive to public debate.” Such statements lack factual backing and contribute to an atmosphere of paranoia rather than reasoned discourse. The author’s fixation on perceived threats to their freedom and reputation detracts from any legitimate criticisms they might have about city policies or practices.

      In summary, this commentary is a disappointing display of petty grievances and personal attacks that does little to advance the discourse around local governance. Instead of providing a thoughtful critique of the city council and its new manager, the author has opted for a self-serving diatribe that prioritizes sensationalism over substance. If the goal is to inspire meaningful change in Ludington, a more mature, reasoned, and constructive approach is necessary.
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        Rom. You don't have a clue regarding this situation. You want people to think you are smart but you are just clueless. Making fun of X's name nullifies any partiality you may try to use in order to get your point across. 

        I much rather read the common sense logic of FS and X than the drivel you produce.
