The Comic Shop

At one point in everyone's life, we've all read comic books/magazines or read the comics in the newspaper... here is a place to talk about our favorite comics and characters
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  • Dave

    One of my cousins usually goes to the Motor City Con every year... been going for the last 6 or 7 at least I think. He's gotten some cool autographs over the years... he has a Star Wars poster that has a number of the actors signatures on it. I think he even met Jason Mewes who is better known as being Jay from the Clerks movies and Jay and Silent Bob strike back. I'd like to go one of these years.

    What's the saying they all tell? If you can laugh at yourself, you can obtain more sobriety about society? Or something like that!
  • Daniel S. Quijas

    I enjoy the graphic novels titled : the avengers , fantastic four , iron man , batman ,  the punisher , daredevil ... basically marvel .