

Legion Against Wind Farms Upon Lake Michigan, Our Backyard: A group concerned about the proposed wind farm out in the lake due to its appearance, noise, effect on property values, navigation, cost, environment, birds, safety, and/or etc.

Location: West Michigan
Members: 4
Latest Activity: Apr 8, 2011

Discussion Forum


Started by AQUAMAN Apr 15, 2010. 0 Replies

The American Tea Party's across the nation have been outright nice and polite this tax day. If you didn't get to attend one like RJE and I, please do so in the near future. You won't regret the great…Continue

Ludington Lifeguards Lawfulmob.

Started by AQUAMAN. Last reply by AQUAMAN Apr 7, 2010. 2 Replies

Do any citizens feel the need to make any waves, pun, with the city fathers/council this summer about the discontinuance of the Lifeguard program here? And try to legally and ethically reinstate…Continue

Tags: our, goal., is, beaches, Ludington

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Comment by AQUAMAN on April 8, 2011 at 5:52pm
I see where the Michigan legislature is now seeking a permanent ban on any wind turbine project for the entire Great Lakes. That is a wonderful idea that I hope will pass with a big margin. If it becomes law soon, it will protect the Great Lakes from ever having these in them for today, and the future, thank God.
Comment by XLFD on March 19, 2010 at 12:39pm
The Scandia proposals are reminding me more and more of the current health care proposals. The local, state and federal governments, respectively, will likely use the people's money irresponsibly to force something on us which will be totally inefficient and which most don't want or need. Alternative energy, yes, but responsible alternatives.
Comment by AQUAMAN on March 18, 2010 at 10:53pm
New expanded proposals are also in the works by Scandia for Muskegon and Grand Haven. The GH Charterboat Assoc. Pres. said they never even got an invite for a voice on it. And they are totally against it too. More backdoor deals are in the works it appears.
Comment by AQUAMAN on February 13, 2010 at 6:58pm
Oh, sorry I forgot the most important item: to move the structures northward away from Pentwater, and put them in front of the Ludington Harbor instead. These changes make me even more against the entire project now.
Comment by AQUAMAN on February 13, 2010 at 6:53pm
Important update #deaux: according to the LDN today, the Scandia Co. is re-proposing the wind farm in Lud., to wit, move the structures to 4 miles offshore instead of 2 miles, downsize the project to ? units, and, to ensure ALL citizens are happy, listen for the vote back from the County Commissions in Mason and Oceana, bypassing the City Councils, like Pentwater's recent NO VOTE. I just hope ALL the citizens go to the mat against this, and let our County Officials know it's NO to these destroying our Lk. Michigan now, and in the future.
Comment by XLFD on February 11, 2010 at 10:36pm
Castonia is the Sixth Ward Councilor. Which makes him twice as bad as if he was the Councilor of the Third Ward, I'd imagine. FTR, Castonia has only called members of Ludington Talks cowards. He thinks the world of the Ludington Torch, I hear-- but not too loudly.
Comment by AQUAMAN on February 11, 2010 at 9:55pm
I truly don't think the Lud. CC gives a rat's rear about ANY local people. As witnessed by the slander of calling LT peeps cowards by a CC member, one whom didn't even have an opponent in last falls election. His Name? Look up the 3rd ward councilman, CASTONIA! The BIGGEST COWARD on the Council imho. And a fraud at being for anything good, except where it comes to himself!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Comment by XLFD on February 11, 2010 at 9:46pm
I read that too Aquaman. The whole debate of late seems to be on our side, that's why I haven't devoted a lot of time to this cause. I am impressed with Esther Karp's activism on this issue, as well as the Pentwater politicos, who seem to be a bit more community-oriented than Ludington's.
Comment by AQUAMAN on February 11, 2010 at 9:27pm
Important update: The Pentwater City Council did LEAD with a NO VOTE to the wind farms just a few days ago, and set the stage for the Lud. City Council to follow, or be accused of acception of bribery imho. The Scandia Co. has offered a community treasure chest of $$$ to vote them in, and called the Pentwater peeps "defective entities", to show their snobnish intentions to wreck our natural resourse of Lk. Mich. views for eternity. I say Pentwater acted prudently, for the people, and by the peoples wishes. Now, what say the Shay's and Lud. Council, are ya gonna be bribed, like DC and Lanising?, or stand by the peoples wishes?
Comment by XLFD on February 6, 2010 at 4:01pm
Didn't she promise we would be "blown away" in a few years back a while ago. This 'lame duck' governor (maybe she was hit by a turbine blade) will gain nothing for her legacy by following that path, IMHO. Let wind power be developed w/o so much government subsidies, on a gradual scale.

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