If you've never fed seagulls before, its an amusing sport. There was only a couple of gulls I could see down the beach, but when a couple of slices were placed near the water, those two all of a sudden became about two dozen flying about waiting patiently for bread. But once bread appears, they start scrimmaging amongst themselves. With the alewifes long gone, these folks were voracious. Fortunately, we can still legally feed them at Stearn's until October 2nd.

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Comment by AQUAMAN on September 18, 2011 at 8:19pm
You're so funny sometimes X....lol. That kinda looked like the ol Cas on the bench too, fell asleep at work and look what happened.
Comment by XLFD on September 18, 2011 at 4:14pm

I think this year's seagull population was bigger than normal due to the availability of easily gotten food along the lakeshore.  For some reason they were attached to the cat ordinance as either a nuisance or disturbance-creating animal. 

That's too bad, they actually are probably the most representative animal of Ludington, finding itself in the background of beach and lighthouse pictures.  A visit to Ludington wouldn't be the same without them.  I wonder if the same crybabies who complained about cats, also complained about the gulls getting into their dumpsters and pooping on their cars.

Or maybe, Public Safety Committee Chairman Castonia saw this video:


Comment by AQUAMAN on September 17, 2011 at 11:13pm
Nice feeding frenzy. Wonder what happens when ALL the People quit feeding the birds, will they suddenly get vengeful enough to act like Alfred Hitchcock's movie The Birds? Attacking and killing people?

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