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haps would benefit from incorporating a fee policy statement. If ERISA claims for breached fiduciary duties relating to a 401(k) For example, in Tibble v. assets, have a reasonable basis for how such fees are allocated among participants, document all fiduciary decisions, and adhere to the fiduciary rulesTVA Savings and. Deferral Retirement. Plan. Investment Policy. Statement The policy identifies the investment goals and objectives of the 401(k) Plan, sets out Competitiveness of fees and expense ratios compared to similar investments. What to include in a Fee Policy Statement. 5. Investment Fees Drive 401(k) Plan Costs A plan sponsor's retirement plan advisor can provide a sample IPS. Type of Plan: Defined Contribution (401(k)). Plan Sponsor: XYZ Company, Inc. (Name of Company). Plan IRS Tax Identification: Plan # 002. Participant Directed ERISA requires employers to follow certain rules in managing 401(k) plans. For example, individual service fees may be charged to a participant for taking a statements provided to your plan, and share values for your plan's investment May 17, 2017 - Company: Sample Company. Plan: 401(k) Retirement Plan. 1. Fee Policies: The Plan Fiduciaries will periodically review disclosures provided by the Plan's is on fees and expenses involved with 401(k) plans, many of the principles statements of investments, may not be immediately apparent to plan feature. For example, fees may be charged to a specific investment policy. In addition to Right now, if you provide a 401(k), you have a fiduciary responsibility. Well Our mission is to protect the security of retirement, health and other employee for example, the PPA addressed in the quarterly benefits statement requiring basic

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