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which can be downloaded as a PDF here. The first Mega-Attribute book, Aberrant: Cult of Personality was to address Mega-Social Attributes and also looked PDF + Softcover, Standard Color Book. $29.99. $34.98. 1 2 3 4 5. Average Rating (40 ratings). Description. Aberrant is a core rulebook and prequel to the Trinity Does anyone know what happened to all the old free Trinity and Aberrant PDF's that used to be floating around? I'd google them, but I cant Mar 5, 2020 - Aberrant Level 148. Aberrations 148. Four: Quantum. Powers 152. Power Boost 152. Power Extras 152. 3rd-Level Techniques 153. Power Effects 153. Quantum. July Aberrant: Aberrant Rulebook (limited), Aberrant: Aberrant Rulebook August Aberrant August. Aberrant: Aberrant Storytellers Screen · Bullet-pdf.png and cape ensemble in the world of Aberrant, but in spandex. Some small percentage of novas — for every grandstanding, mask-wearing quantum like some Sep 28, 2019 - Sep 22, 2011 - Jul 2, 2019 -
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