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Cheerleading. Handbook. Jenay Martell. Jenay_martell@charleston.k12.sc.us cheerleaders may be invited to cheer at other Wando sports events as well) and MSHSAA CHEERLEADING MANUAL. PAGE 1. MISSOURI STATE HIGH SCHOOL Spirit Rules Book and the MSHSAA Cheerleader Manual shall be followed. (By-Law 105.0). Cheerleading Handbook. General Rules: Communication is essential in a team environment; communication will be given directly to the squad members and emails Cheerleading is an athletic sport, involving strength for stunting, and stamina while you jump, cheer and dance. The cheerleaders get the teams fired up with.This handbook is designed to help you understand that cheerleading is more than just singing out cheers and showing up for a game. It is an attitude. GHSA Cheerleading Manuals and Forms for 2022-2023. Cheerleading · Competition Cheerleading Guide for 2022-2023 · Spirit Manual for 2022-2023. CHEERLEADING HANDBOOK. I. Purpose. The purpose of the Highland High School Cheerleading program can be summarized in the following. Enthusiasm.
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