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5 The coccyx in common coccygodynia: observed radiologic lesions Standard and lateral sitting radiographs of more than 700 patients suffering from common coccygodynia for at least 2 months duration have been made since 1992. Four series of different patients have been currently published, allowing some firm conclusions on the pathology of the Coccydynia is a medical term meaning pain in the coccyx or tailbone area, [1] often brought on by a fall onto the coccyx or by persistent irritation usually from sitting. Contents 1 Synonyms 2 Anatomy 2.1 Structure 2.2 Orientations of the coccyx 2.3 Pathophysiology 3 Diagnosis 3.1 Angle of incidence 4 Causes 5 Prevalence 6 Clinical features The condition is genuine and distressing and the cause lies in some localised musculoskeletal abnormality in the coccygeal region and there is no evidence of neurosis in patients. A five-year prospective trial involving 120 patients was undertaken to investigate the aetiology and treatment of coccydynia. The cause lies in some localised musculoskeletal abnormality in the coccygeal region Coccydynia simply refers to a painful coccyx. The coccyx bone is located on the end of your sacrum or tailbone and can become irritated and painful in pregnancy. This is especially evident in the final trimester due to the position of the baby and the lack of room for the baby to maneuver. d is not the source of the pain called coccygodynia; the pain originates in spasm of the levator ani and coccygeus (and, at times, in the medial fibers of the gluteus maximus) muscles, and is referred to the coccygeal area; and the size, shape and position of the coccyx bear no relationship to coccygodynia.8 X-ray examination is of diagnostic value only in cases of suspected fracture or Coccydynia is associated with pain and tenderness at the tip of the tailbone between the buttocks. The pain is often worsened by sitting. Tailbone pain can be caused by trauma to the coccyx during a fall, prolonged sitting on a hard or narrow surface, degenerative joint changes, or vaginal childbirth. Potential Causes of Tailbone Pain Idiopathic coccygodynia J.Y. Maigne* *Service de médecine physique, Hôtel-Dieu de Paris. OUn coccyx douloureux nécessite une exploration par des radiographies dynamiques et parfois une discographie coccygienne. OTrois grandes lésions radiographiques sont ren-contrées : les luxations et subluxations posté- rieures, l'hypermobilité en flexion et les épines coccygiennes. OLes coccyx sans Coccygectomy too often yields disappointing results, but is most likely to be of value in patients in whom coccygodynia was caused by acute severe trauma. 3, 16, 21, 27 Gross and microscopic examination of coccyges removed in an attempt to relieve coccygodynia have failed to reveal any disease of the coccyx or contiguous ligaments and tendons. 16 The main symptom ofcoccydynia is intense pain felt at the base of the spine which gets worse when sitting down for long periods of time. It can be difficult standing up or climbing stairs due to the pain. Other symptoms include: reduced range of movement swelling/inflammation stiffness weakness La coccygodynie ou coccydynie est une douleur localisée au niveau du coccyx, exacerbée à la position assise et au relever. C
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