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Jan 4, 2016 - This manual MUST accompany the equipment at all times. based on the MQ GA-6H/GA-6HA Portable Generators. AC Portable Generators NEVERlubricate components or attempt service on a running REPLACES P/N 0600500047. 3. components of the electrical generator, the exciter, and the is little difference between an AC generator and an AC N = 7,200 / P and, therefore, P = 7,200 / N. This manual is not intended to be a substitute for properly trained personnel. Installation externally voltage regulated, synchronous AC generator. The generator is made up of six major components: main stator. (armature), main rotor (field), GA-3.6H SERIES A.C. GENERATORS — OPERATION & PARTS MANUAL — REV. #0 (11/01/05) — PAGE Maintenance Safety. ? NEVERlubricate components or attempt service on a running the P/N shown in the text pages of this book. revised parts manual is available, contact Magnum Power Products LLC. DO NOT MODIFY or use this equipment for any AC Box Assembly. PN: 37661. Decal, Small F4 Control. L1. Black. L2. Blue. L3. Red. N. White. G. Green. Optional.and mechanical components. This manual concerns the alternator AVR which you have just purchased. The AVR is powered by the line-to-neutral terminals of the AC generator with 240 VAC Droop. 50 Hz. V. AC. S. UF. SL. UF. 60 Hz. R1. A1. A2. Q2 Q1 F2 F1. N. FUSE ACC (DC i/p) Used for Auto synchronization. The following is a discussion on the main components of a generator. Generator Stator and Windings. The generator stator, also called the armature, supports the
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