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Shortcut Keys of Computer A to Z. A keyboard shortcut is a set of one or more keys that invoke a All Short Cut Keys in a Computer - Shortcut Keys of Computer A to Z PDF Shortcut Keys and their Functions: Some commonly used computer short cut keys are documented below. . Join in and write your own page! You can use this PDF editor even if you do not have other PDF editing applications installed (for example, Adobe Acrobat). Keyboard shortcuts are special keys Jump to How to write or abbreviate Ctrl or control. -BASIC SHORTCUT KEYS. Alt + F. File menu options in current program. Alt + E. Edit options in current program. F1. Universal help (for all programs). Ctrl + A. BASIC SHORTCUT KEYS. Alt + F. File menu options in current program. Alt + E. Edit options in current program. F1. Universal help (for all programs). Ctrl + A. No information is available for this page.Learn why Shortcut Keys of Computer A to Z Pdf. 50 Shortcut Keys Computer. Word Shortcut Keys Pdf Write the Function of Atleast 10 Short Cut Key Write the Function of Ctrl+P. Quick Open, Go to File Ctrl+Shift+N. New window/instance. Ctrl+Shift+W. Close window/instance. Ctrl+,. User Settings. Ctrl+K Ctrl+S. Keyboard Shortcuts. Basic editing. Ctrl+X. Cut line Navigate editor group history. Alt+ < / >. Ctrl+P. Quick Open, Go to File Ctrl+Shift+N. New window/instance. Ctrl+Shift+W. Close window/instance. Ctrl+,. User Settings. Ctrl+K Ctrl+S. Keyboard Shortcuts. Basic editing. Ctrl+X. Cut line Navigate editor group history. Alt+ < / >. Jump to Keys for navigating a PDF -

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