Cq61 manual
















Model/navn: Compaq Presario CQ61-330SA. Filetype: PDF. Sprog som er tilg?ngelige: Engelsk. Har du et sporgsmal om HP Compaq Presario CQ61-330SA men du kan ikke finde svaret i Browse all pages of the user manual Compaq PRESARIO CQ61, translate them to other languages. In every user manual you will usually find a schematic diagram of Compaq PRESARIO CQ61 as well as cq61 217tu user manual.How do I get a copy of the user manual for this notebook? My 82 year old father bought it for himself but the novelty wore off so he gave it to me but he's lost the user manual. Compaq Presario CQ61 is similar to HP G61. Before you start, make sure the laptop is turned off and battery removed. You'll find instructions in this service manual for Compaq Presario CQ61 notebook. Model CQ61 is very difficult to clean when it is necessary to disassemble the laptop to fundamentally to clean the cooling system. Because of this I will try to give the most detailed description. Here are manuals for HP Compaq Presario CQ61-103TU. Please, select file for view and download. Also you can select preferred language of manual. Схемы к ноутбукам HP Compaq CQ61 (quanta OP8). scheme-hp-compaq-cq61-(quanta op8).pdf. Размер: 1.32 MB.

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