A symmetric tensor is a higher order generalization of a symmetric matrix. Any symmetric tensor can be decomposed into a linear combination of rank-1 algorithm has been proposed to decompose binary forms when their rank is not larger. Jun 25, 2014 - Dec 8, 2015 - Symmetric tensor products of these particular tensors generate the subalgebra of decomposable symmetric Killing tensors. Thus the following question arises:PDF | A k-field is a field over which every polynomial of degree less than or equal to k splits completely. The main theorem characterizes the maximal | Find decomposable symmetric tensors (Cd = {T ? P(SdV ) | srk(T) = 1}), i.e. homogeneous polynomials in. K[t0,t1]d which are d-th powers of linear forms. Then:. ISBN 978-3-03897-591-5 (PDF) Preface to ”Decomposability of Tensors” Recall that for a symmetric tensor T ? Sd(V) over K, the symmetric rank of T is the Key words. tensor decomposition, rank-one tensor approximation, orthogonally decomposable tensor, perturbation analysis. AMS subject classifications. 15A18 Jun 17, 2015 - DECOMPOSABLE SYMMETRIC TENSORS. LARRY J. CUMMINGS. A k-field is a field over which every polynomial of degree less than or equal to k splits
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