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The core of the Diameter protocol is defined in the Diameter base standard, IETF RFC 3588. This RFC specifies the minimum requirements for a Diameter May 12, 2020 - Feb 19, 2002 - Diameter is a Authentication Authorization and Accounting (AAA) protocol. It works on the Application Layer if we consider OSI Layered model. Diameter is a Diameter is the protocol used within EPS/IMS architectures for AAA (Authentication,. Authorization, and Accounting). It is intended to work both in home networks [Docs] [txt|pdf] [draft-ietf-aaa-] [Tracker] [Diff1] [Diff2] [IPR] [Errata] Obsoleted by: 6733 PROPOSED STANDARD Updated by: 5729, 5719, 6408 Errata Exist PDF | Along with providing support for certain basic authentication, authorization and accounting functions, the Diameter protocol is designed to | Find, read RFC 6733 Diameter Base Protocol (PS) Updated by RFC7075. RFC 6734 PCRF. Policy and Charging Rules Function. PDF. Policy Decision Function. PEP. These protocols needed to support the complex applications like Mobile-IP, Credit Control,. NASREQ (Network Access Server Requirements),. Billing Systems and These protocols needed to support the complex applications like Mobile-IP, Credit Control,. NASREQ (Network Access Server Requirements),. Billing Systems and [Docs] [txt|pdf] [draft-ietf-dime] [Tracker] [Diff1] [Diff2] [IPR] [Errata] Updated by: 7075, 8553 PROPOSED STANDARD Errata Exist Internet Engineering Task
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