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Apr 1, 2017 - drum seeder, one to help the puller to lift the machine at the end of the field, and one to fill/refill the seed in the drums]. 4. Weedicide use is a must, and if needed Labour required - 3 persons [one for pulling the drum seeder, one to help the puller to lift the machine at the end of the field, and one to fill/refill the seed in. 1PhD Scholar, Department of Farm Machinery and Power, College of Agril. (2015) Fabrication And Evaluation of 4 Row Drum Seeder With 25 and 30 cm Labour required - 3 persons [one for pulling the drum seeder, one to help the puller to lift the machine at the end of the field, and one to fill/refill the seed in the Feb 26, 2019 - The travelling speed for manually operated paddy drum seeder should be 1km/hr and for tractor drawn seeding machine the speed should be 3 and 5 km/hr. A 60 Profitability of rice production using a drum seeder. M. Alam, S. Sarker and M.A. Momin. Department of Farm Power and Machinery, Bangladesh AgriculturalJan 22, 2020 -
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