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The DSC WS4959 Installation Manual teaches users how to use the DSC 4959 12-function Wireless Key Fob. This guide explains the basic functions of the WS4959 12-Function Wireless Key. Operating Instructions. The WS4959 is the industry's first 12-function remote control. This key will allow you to arm and Jul 29, 2018 - All you need to program your new keyfob is it's six digit serial number (ESN). It's located on a sticker attached to back of the keyfob. Note: DSC uses Hex digits in tions, refer to the relevant control panel's Installation Manual. How to Enroll the WT4989. This section describes how to set up and program your keyfob. The.Operating Instructions. The WS4969 is the first four-button wireless key with a built-in flashlight in the industry. This key allows This section describes how to set up and program your remote, this should be done by the installer. The following Operating Instructions. Congratulations on the purchase of the WS4939, DSC's newest 4 button wireless key. This key will allow you to arm and disarm, as well.
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