The eductor is a modified venturi device which creates a suction, drawing foam concentrate into it at a rich ratio. At the junction point of the piping from the eductor and the water suction line, the rich foam solution is mixed with the incoming water and is diluted to the proper foam solution concentration. Find out information about eductor pump. A pump which removes slurried material from a hydraulically disseminated subsurface ore matrix Explanation of eductor pump. Printer Friendly. Dictionary, Encyclopedia and Thesaurus - The Free Dictionary 12,257,570,820 visitors served. I Principles of Operation for Pumping Gases Eductors operate on me basic principles of flow dynamics. This involves laking a high pressure ffiOlive Slream and accelerating it lhrough a tapered nozzle 10 increase the velociry of the fluid. Gas Motives are compressible fluids and are put through a
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