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All European projects shall use the European emblem (flag) to acknowledge the support received You will find some guidelines in your grant agreement. Visual identity guidelines. PDF cover. Please download and read. The Graphic Design User Guide pdf · Choose translations of the previous link for Creative This document aims at clarifying how the EU emblem (or „EU flag“) can be used correctly in communication of Interreg Baltic Sea Region projects. It is meant forLogo, visual identity; Usage; Request permission; Download the logo; Documents The visual identity is constructed around the European Commission's logo. The minimum height of the EU emblem shall be 1 cm. The name of the European Union shall always be spelled out in full. The typeface to be used in conjunction with the EU emblem can be any of the following: Arial, Calibri, Garamond, Trebuchet, Tahoma, Verdana. the Logo of the. The Use of. Guidelines for. Partner Organisations. April 2012. European Commission. Corporate. Communication l'Union europeenne et, plus largement, de l'identite et de l'unite de l'Europe. de l'UE doivent utiliser l'embleme (le drapeau) europeen et non le logo d'un Please follow the guidelines on the use of the EU emblem in the context of EU funding and apply the graphical rules. The text can be displayed to the right, to the The Commission encourages the use of the European Union emblem, its logos Download the European Flag; Download example of logos (ERDF, ESF, ESIF
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