Filo phoronida pdf
















Phoronids ('Phoronida'), commonly known as horseshoe worms, are a relatively small animal phylum: twenty species are known, in two genera, Phoronis and Phoronopsis.Phoronids are worm-shaped, but with a gut that loops and exits the body near the mouth, instead of running the length of the animal, as in annelids (and many vertebrates). Filo Loricifera Habitam nos sedimentos marinhos; Seres microscopicos; Possuem um introverte anterior para fixacao no substracto, torax e tronco; Filo Loricifera; Filo Phoronida; Filo Brachiopoda; Filo Tardigrada; Filo Mollusca; Filo Chordata; Filo Brachiopoda Animais solitarios, marinhos; Possuem carapaca, composta por duas valvas, que fazem a ligacao por musculatura; Reduzidas dimensoes; Filo Loricifera; Filo Phoronida; Filo Brachiopoda; Filo Tardigrada; Filo Mollusca; Filo Chordata; 43 Phoronida Horseshoe Worms Sessile, worm-like, marine suspension feeders. 10 Placozoa Small marine animals. The structurally simplest metazoan. 1 Platyhelminthes Flatworms Unsegmented, soft-bodied worms. Many parasitic species. Free-living species in marine, freshwater, and humid terrestrial environments. PHYLUM PHORONIDA . Phoronopsis californica . Phoronopsis californica . Actinotroch larvae and settlement . California species of Phoronopsis Species Characters californica harmeri = viridis Habitat fine sand & mud same Os foronidos [2] (Phoronida, do grego ??????? -???? , Phoronis -idos "descendente de Foroneo" personaxe que, segundo a mitoloxia, foi o primeiro home, fillo de Inaco, unha divindade fluvial, e da ninfa Melia) constituen un filo de animais celomados, protostomos, sendentarios, bilaterais, con forma de verme e que posuen un lofoforo situado no extremo anterior do corpo. 1998. Molecular phylogeny of brachiopods and phoronids based on nuclear-encoded small subunit ribosomal RNA gene sequences. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society London B 353:2039-2061. Emig, C. C. 1982. The biology of the Phoronida. Advances in Marine Biology 19:1-89. Emig C. C. 1985. Phylogenetic systematics in Phoronida (Lophophorata). 2009. Altenburger A. & Wanninger A., 2009.Comparative larval myogenesis and adult myoanatomy of the rhynchonelliform (articulate) brachiopods Argyrotheca cordata, A. cistellula, and Terebratalia transversa.Frontiers in Zoology, 6 (3).. Balthasar U. & Butterfield N.J., 2009. Early Cambrian "soft-shelled" brachiopods as possible stem-group phoronids. FILO BRYOZOA (Gr) Bryon = Musgo + Zoon = animal Coloniais e ssseis; indivduos menores que 0,5 mm compr./ 5000 spp. Indivduo= zoide - coberto por cutcula orgnica de protenas e quitina ou de carbonato de clcio= zocio. Sem rgos para respirao, circulao e excreo. Celoma: grande. Sistema Nervoso: massa ganglionar dorsal faringe e anel nervoso Distribution southern Gaspe waters (Baie des Chaleurs, Gaspe Bay to American, Orphan and Bradelle banks; eastern boundary: Eastern Bradelle Valley) Definition of Phoronida in the Dictionary. Meaning of Phoronida. What does Phoronida mean? Proper usage and audio pronunciation of the word Phoronida. Information about Phoronida in the dictionary, synonyms and antonyms. Taxonomic Retrospect of Phoronids 2. Characteristic Features of Phoronids 3. Fossil History 4. Geographical Distribution 5. Affinities. Taxonomic Retrospect of Phoronids: 1. The phoronids constitute a very im­portant group amongst the lophophorate coelomates. The name of the group as Phoronida was first coined by Hatschek [] Taxonomic Retrospect of


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