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Two fundamental assumptions are involved in virtually all geologic uses of radiogenic isotope ratios. The first is that the rate of radioactive decay is independent of *Fractionation refers to the change in an isotope ratio that arises as a result of some chemical or physical process. S. Page 2. W. M. White. Geochemistry. Chapter Isotope Geochemistry. W. M. White. Chapter 2. DECAY SYSTEMS & GEOCHRONOLOGY I. 2.1 BASICS OF RADIOACTIVE ISOTOPE GEOCHEMISTRY. Nov 21, 2007 - A final chapter covers organic chemistry, including the origin of fossil fuels and the Additional resources can be found at: Chapter 2: Energy, Entropy, and Fundumental Thermodynamic Concepts 1.1 If you send me your email address, I'll send you a link to a good book that you can download as a pdf file from my Page 1. W. M. White. Geochemistry i. October 28, 2005. Table of Contents. Part I: The Geochemical Toolbox. Chapter 1: Introduction.W. M. White Geochemistry Table of Contents Part I: The Geochemical Toolbox 19 Chapter 2: Energy, Entropy and Fundamental Thermodynamic Concepts . Sep 26, 2001 - Dec 28, 2015 -
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