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Viewed from a broader perspective, the promotion can play an important communication role. Some promotional activities, such as publicity and public relations, PDF | Promotion is an exercise in information, persuasion and influence. between promotional mix and brand equity 0.722 which is significance at 1% levels. Jul 23, 2015 - Integration or synergy of the elements in the promotional mix is important. The promotional mix is crucial in the IMC process, as it refers to the different avenues available for communicating with target consumers. The term marketing communication is used interchangeably for the marketing mix element of promotion. The promotion mix is the blend of different methods and tools of communication you use in presenting your company, products or services to target customers. In development of company promotion is an important part. It is sort of methods and activating sales techniques which presents company and its products on the market. Promotion program includes: advertising, packaging, sales promotion, public relations, publicity and personal selling. Jan 18, 2012 - To find out about the marketing mix see the 10-minute. Marketing Mix. Why it is important. If customers don't know what products and services you provide, then The important decisions of promotion mix are selecting advertising media, selecting promotional techniques, using publicity measures and public relations etc.

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