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Oct 10, 2017 - How do you use a condom? First, hold the tip of the condom and squeeze out the air. This leaves room for the semen after you ejaculate. If you are not circumcised, pull down the loose skin from the head of the penis (foreskin) before you put on the condom. Hold on to the tip of the condom as you unroll the condom. Male condoms. During sex, male condoms are worn on the penis to prevent semen (sperm) entering the woman's vagina when the man ejaculates (comes). Open condoms carefully so you don't damage them — don't use your teeth or scissors. 2. Make sure the condom's ready to roll on the right way: the rim should be Feb 12, 2020 -Jun 6, 2017 - The condom must be put in place prior to any vaginal, anal or oral contact. Adequate lubrication is necessary to make sexual intercourse more pleasant. For Although many people mistakenly assume that all men know how to correctly use condoms, incorrect use is common and is a major cause of condom failure.
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