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foramen, and so is intimately related to the emergent nerve root. Prolapse of the IntervertebralDisc. True herniation of the nucleus pulposus occurs when the directed toward L5 or S1 root involvement. By contrast, disc herniation in the middle or upper lumbar spine is associated with anterior thigh or groin pain. Lumbar Disc Herniation. Introduction. A common cause of low back and leg pain is a ruptured or herniated disc. Symptoms may include dull or sharp. The human spine consists of alternating bony vertebrae and intervertebral discs extending from the neck to the coccyx. The lower portion of the spine is. PDF | Herniated lumbar disc is a displacement of disc material (nucleus pulposus or annulus fibrosis) beyond the intervertebral disc space. The highest | Find Apr 14, 2016 - Oct 31, 2019 - very painful, most people feel much better with just a few months of nonsurgical treatment. OrthoInfo Basics. Spinal Cord. Spinal Nerve. Intervertebral. Disk. Oct 4, 2017 - Oct 4, 2017 -
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