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INTRODUCTION. 1. Audacity. What is sound? What is sound recording? INSTALLING. 4. Installing Audacity 2.2.1 on OS X. Installing Audacity on Windows. Audacity® is a free, open source software that allows recording and editing sounds. We will use some of the basic features of sound editing. This tutorial covers recording audio using a program called Audacity — a simple, free program for recording and editing audio. This guide will walk you through 1 - Introduction. Audacity is an easy to use but powerful audio recording and editing package. It is also free to download and use (see Appendix A Audacity Basics Tutorial. 1. Create a new project. Open Audacity then IMMEDIATELY SAVE IT to your Jump Drive before recording or importing audio! This document provides instructions on creating and editing digital audio using Audacity. To use Audacity, it is necessary that you have a microphone. [PDF] Audacity Basics Tutorial. Select the Time Shift Tool It is used to move an audio clip to the left or right on its track 6 Splitting a clip for editing.Audacity is a versatile program that can be used to record audio, edit sound files, and convert them to various formats. Audacity is Open Source; it is free. It Audacity 3.1.0 Manual · Click here to see New Features in this release · Guide to the Audacity Project Window · Using Audacity · Tutorials · Index, Glossary and More. This tutorial covers recording audio using a program called Audacity. Audacity is an open source (FREE) audio editor that can be used to edit interviews,
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