Isentropic flow tables pdf
















Reviewed by Qiyue Lu, research scientist, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign on 6/26/19. This book is supposed to talk about the fundamentals or introduction level of compressible flow, but the authors don't provide definitions on lots of concepts. Isentropic Flow with Area Change • Examine mass and momentum equations for reversible and adiabatic conditions dx p+dp ?+d? v+dv A+dA p ? v A ?x 0 v v 2 1 2 2 + + = ? ? A d d dA Mass (VI.9) ? ? ? + = = ? ? ? ? dp d dp A dA A d dp dA 2 2 v 1 v 0 v Momentum (VI.10) 2 2 2 2 2 2 v v v 2 1 0 v 1 v v ? = =? ? ? + + d d dp p dp Rayleigh Flow ( = 1.4) 0/p* T/T* / /T/p0* T/T* / /T0/p0 / 00* Table A-32 One-dimensional isentropic compressible-flow functions for an ideal gas with k 1.4 Table A-33 One-dimensional normal-shock functions for an ideal gas with k 1.4 Table A-34 Rayleigh flow functions for an ideal gas with k 1.4 PROPERTY TABLES AND CHARTS (SI UNITS) 907 Isentropic Flow RelationsPerfect Gas, Gamma = , angles in degrees.. INPUT:. = = Isentropic flow, as seen in isentropic tables T 0 T =1+g-1 2 M2 P 0 P =I1+g-1 2 M2M g g-1=IT 0 T M g A A* = 1 M B 2 g+1 I1+g-1 2 M2MF g+1 2Hg-1L Normal Shocks For flow through a normal shock, with no direction change, area change, or work The gas flow is along a straight line from gas inlet to exhaust gas exit. The gas flow behavior is compressible. There are numerous applications where a steady, uniform, isentropic flow is a good approximation to the flow in conduits. These include the flow through a jet engine, through the nozzle of a rocket, from a broken gas line, and past with isentropic flow. 4. ISENTROPIC FLOW Isentropic means constant entropy. In this case we will consider the flow to be ADIABATIC also, that is, with no heat transfer. Consider gas flowing in a duct which varies in size. The pressure and temperature of the gas may change. Figure 8 Applying the steady flow energy equation between (1) and (2) we For A/A* = 2, Table A-32 yields two Mach numbers, one > 1 and one < 1. When the diverging section acts as a supersonic nozzle, we use the value for M > 1. Then, for A E 3-Isentropic Flow with Area Variation [Compatibility Mode] Author: Kian Stagnation Density and Tables • Stagnation Density -from T o, po and ideal gas law (?=p/RT) - ?o constant for isentropic flow 1 1 o o T T ?? = ? ? 1 1 o M2 2 1 1 ?? ?? = + ? ? (VI.8) • Tables -To/T and po/p tabulated in text (John) as function of M listed as Tt/T and pt/p (t for total T and total p) isentropic efficiency 0.9. The process is adiabatic. The power output of the turbine is 35 MW. Determine the enthalpy at exit and calculate the flow rate of steam in kg/s. Note you need the tables and h-s chart for steam. SOLUTION h1= 3410 kJ/kg (tables) s1= 6.796 kJ/kg K for an ideal expansion s1=s2' 'We are like dwarfs sitting on the shoulders of giants" from The Metalogicon by John in 1159 'We are like dwarfs sitting on the shoulders of giants" from The Metalogicon by John in 1159 The tables on pages 35 and 36 are reproduced from Elementary Statistical Tables: lindley and Miller, h./ permission of Cambridge University Press. The tables on pages 37 and 38 are reproduced by permission of the Biometrika Trustees. The tables on pages 66 and 67, the upper table on page 68 and the thermochemical data on pages 69-71

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