Literature. There are a number of works which nath yogis use . some of them are believed to be the words of GURU GORAKSHNATH JI and are attributed to him ,others have been written on him by nath yogis and other scholars .The name of some of the books on GORAKSHNATH JI have been given below .
His books 'Nadvedh' and 'Kimayagar' and 'Arthat' have recevied many awards, including the ones given by the Maharashtra State. He has been awarded 'Sahyadri Navratna Award' by Sahyadri Channel for the year 2007 for contribution to 'IT business, education and research'. Goraksha-mantra Version for print. Recite asana-laganeka mantra and sit on the asana. Asana should be in the form of bedding of thick fabric, you can also put a mat under it. It is advisable to sit facing east or north. If one regularly recites the mantra facing east - vashikarana siddhis will
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