WordPress Shortcode. Link. Larkin. Philip Larkin Poems. Back to Poems Page. Ambulances by Philip Larkin. Closed like confessionals, they thread Loud noons of cities, giving back None of the glances they absorb. Collected Poems. View Tracklist. Afternoons. Philip Larkin. A poem, written in 1959, filled with a deep-seated sadness about the loss of youth making Language and Imagery The voice is that of a third person narrator, almost certainly the poet. The tone is subdued and pessimistic, creating a mood of Poem: Ambulances poem by Philip Larkin. Closed like confessionals they threadLoud noons of cities giving backNone of the glances they absorb.. Page. Annotation prompts for Philip Larkin's 'Toads Revisited'. 'Toads Revisited' is a follow up to Larkin's poem 'Toads'. This poetry resource complements the video annotation of Philip Larkin's 'Toads Revisited', on Poetry Essay's YouTube channel. pdf, 498 KB. Poetry-Analysis-Booklet. Through his poem 'Afternoons' Larkin presents a snapshot of life in post-war Britain, showing a rather gloomy depiction of family life. The poem is set out in three unrhymed stanzas of eight lines each. Larkin was known for his concise and succinct writing and this poem is no exception.
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