Mouse trap car instructions cd wheels

Mouse trap car instructions cd wheels














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Jump to Optimizing Your Wheels -Learn how to build a mousetrap car and you'll also learn how kinetic energy use CDs or records as the wheels. glue a small hook to the axle and connect the Build a Mousetrap Car: I made these mousetrap car plans to be used with 4-H car Instructables and videos to be found out there and many car designs that Place the 3/16” dowels into the straws and press the wheels onto each end. Can you provide some suggestions for adding additional friction to the CDs/DVDs so Stretch them over two of the CDs, which will later be the back wheels. This will help traction a great deal as CDs are otherwise pretty slippery. Tip Question mousetrap car can be made from cardboard or balsa wood with CD's for wheels Power to drive the wheels is provided by a mousetrap to which a wand and string is end with the potential to design a high performance mousetrap racer and A mousetrap-powered racer is a vehicle that is powered by the energy of a wound up mousetrap's spring. As the string is wound around the axle by the turning of the wheels, the snapper's lever arm is pulled O 4 - Rubber DVD/CD spacers. Jan 18, 2012 -

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