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Abstract. Background: Corticosteroids are documented as associated with psychological adverse effects, including insomnia, irritability, aggression, neuropsychological deficits, mood disorders (including severe depression), delirium, and psychosis. Given the severity of these potential adverse effects and that corticosteroid use is central to the treatment of most hematological malignancies CONTENTS Review Articles Possibilities to assess the effectiveness of immunomodulatory treatment of multiple sclerosis with interferon-?: binding, neutralizing antibodies and MxA induction Liutkiene J., Kizlaitiene R., Budrys V., Kaubrys G., Viesulaite B. Neurologijos seminarai 2009; 13(39): 5-12. Watermelon juice with turmeric and ginger Nature's Viagra made on a Whole Health Foundation juicer - Duration: 17:30. William Polowniak 2,434,168 views POLIKLINIKA „Dr.BATES" INTERNA MEDICINA. GINEKOLOGIJA, NEUROLOGIJA I UROLOGIJA Poliklinika Dr.Bates za internu medicinu, ginekologiju,neurologiju i urologijuHrvatska, 10000 Zagreb, Svetice 15 Forum studenata medicine svih univerziteta u Srbiji. Imam neku skriptu iz neurologije i mislim da je dobra,ali ne mogu da je upload-ujem zato sto je veliki fajl.Tako da ako neko hoce da mu je posaljem neka ostavi svoj e-mail. Dr. Stacey Clardy talks with Dr. Caterina Lapucci about her paper addressing how much periventricular lesions assist in distinguishing migraine with aura from CIS Journal of Neurological Sciences 152 (1997) 147-153 The effects of high-dose intravenous methylprednisolone on event-related potentials in patients with multiple sclerosis ? R. Filipovic, ? Jelena Drulovic? *, Nebojsa ? Stojsavljevic, ? Zvonimir Levic? Sasa Department of Neurology, School of Medicine, University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Yugoslavia Institute of Neurology, Clinical Centre PDF | On Mar 19, 2013, P McGrath and others published P
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