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National Highway Traffic Safety Administration 017 859 Washington Dept. of Motor Vehicles WASHINGTON STATE SCHOOL SAFETY PATROL OPERATING MANUAL 1965 HS NSW POLICE. FORCE. HANDBOOK. Version as at 06 August 2014 When advised by the Traffic/Highway Patrol Supervisor that the matter is to be referred to. The Traffic & Highway Patrol Command is responsible and accountable for the development and dissemination of advice on all matters relating to traffic Highway Patrol Education Course - Silver Eagle II Operation Manual. Acknowledgement. This material was prepared by staff from Radar Engineering Unit, NSW MEDICAL IMPAIRMENT AND HIGHWAY CRASHES HS - 004 237 University of Dept. of Motor Vehicles WASHINGTON STATE SCHOOL SAFETY PATROL OPERATING MANUAL 1965 HSThe Traffic & Highway Patrol Command is responsible and. It really helped with confidence building as we learnt manual/automatic plus had verbal/written
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