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OB2-40, 2 Element Yagi 40m. Bands, 40. Gain (dBd) *, 3.6. Gain (dBi) **, 10.5. F/B (dB), 15. VSWR. Europe setting: 7,00 - 7,06 - 7,20, 1,6 - 1,1 - 2,0. USA setting: OPTIBEAM. 1. Introduction. The OB9-2WARC is a high performing WARC Duoband Antenna for the 18 and 24 MHz amateur radio bands. OptiBeam shortwave OB1-40, Rotary Dipol 40m. OB2-40M, Moxon Yagi 40m. OB2-40, 2 Element Yagi 40m. OB3-40, 3 Element Yagi 40m. OB4-40, 4 Element 40m duo drivenOB 2 – 40 M. 2 Element Email: Info@optibeam.de OptiBeam shortwave antennas are designed and optimised by support of modern techniques such as. Put it together as per manual and it covers the full band as advertised. Also mechanically this is what I expect from "Made in Germany" :) The traps are build to last: The ob12 4 is a high effective yagi for the classical four bands 40, 20, 15 and 10m, four monobanders on one boom. My antenna force 12 5ba optibeam ob 2 40 US Army tc9_64 manual · Navy NEETS Manual · USMC Antenna Handbook · Force12 Manuals · MFJ Manuals · SteppIR Manuals Optibeam Antenna Manuals OB 4030 Antenna Manual. Инструкция по сборке, настройке и эксплуатации КВ-антенны OptiBeam OB 4030 (4 эл. Yagi на диапазоны 40/30м.) Рейтинг Multiple truck freight parts on an order may increase the shipping amount. Overview · Specifications · Kit/Combo Contents · Reviews · Show All
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