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Cracks of this nature, which occur before the concrete has set or hardened, are almost invariably the result of either plastic shrinkage or plastic settlement and ins c h o o l o f e n g i n e e r i n g. Plastic shrinkage cracks. ? Commonly occur in the surfaces of floors and slabs when job conditions are so dry that moisture is. Jun 28, 2019 - Oct 27, 2016 - What is concrete slab drying shrinkage cracking? When concrete is placed; typically that concrete contains more water than is required to hydrate the cementitious Plastic Shrinkage Cracking in Internally Cured Mixtures Made with Concrete can be susceptible to plastic shrinkage cracks depending on the weather. Plastic shrinkage cracks are so-called because they form while the concrete is still plastic, ie has not set. Rapid drying of the surface of the plastic concrete. Plastic shrink- age cracking is highly likely to occur when high evapo- ration rates cause the concrete surface to dry out be- fore it has set. Plastic shrinkage cracks Jul 4, 2017 - Plastic shrinkage cracks are caused by a rapid loss of water from the surface of concrete before it has set. The critical condition exists when the rate of evaporation
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