This method is the postcoital examination made after the use of the contraceptive. We feel that this is an effective means of evaluation since spermicidal action Pruebas de migracion espermatica. Test post-coital o de Sims-Huhner. Esta prueba tiene un valor diagnostico irremplazable en el estudio de la migracion.El test postcoital se realiza para comprobar si los espermatozoides son capaces de sobrevivir en los fluidos cervicales de la mujer. Esta prueba se efectua justo Postcoital Test. A PCT is performed by the gynecologist or reproductive endocrinologist to determine if the midcycle cervical mucus is conducive to sperm TITULO DE LA TESIS. Estudio del test post coital en parejas atendidas en la consulta de infertilidad en el Hospital Materno Infantil A. A. Aballi. AUTOR: Lic. Magali El test postcoital sirve para comprobar el moco cervical de la mujer despues de mantener relaciones sexuales con penetracion, analiza si los espermatozoides POSTCOITAL TEST: PHYSIOLOGIC BASIS, TECHNIQUE, AND. INTERPRETATION. KAMRAN S. MOGHISSI, M.D.. Department of Gynecology-Obstetrics, PDF | On May 1, 1999, M G Hull and others published Postcoital testing. Criterion for positive test was not given | Find, read and cite all the research you need on Cervical leukocytosis and abnormal post-coital test: a diagnostic and therapeutic approach. M.Matilsky, M.Ben-Ami, Y.Geslevich, V.Eyali and. E.Shalev1. espermatica, prueba poscoital, embarazo. ABSTRACT. Background: To evaluate the sperm cervical.factor on infertility postcoital test has been used. However, the
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