This study aims to determine the legal review of the implementation of sharia economy qardhul hasan in the distribution of zakat in Baitul Qiradh BAZNAS SouthJoint Muḍārabah is a Muḍārabah in which several investors entrust, together or successively, to a natural or legal person the task of investing their funds. The This study was conducted to analyze the effect of service quality and cooperative benefits to the member participation. The case study was taken from Baitul Koperasi Baithul Qiradh Baburrayyan (KBQB) is a 1st grade Fairtrade organisation located across the Aceh Tengah and Bener Meriah districts in. Download Citation | Islamic Equity Financing: Al-Musharakah, Al-Mudharabah, and Al-Qiradh | The development of Islamic banking in Request full-text PDF Analysis of the Effectiveness and Prospects of Micro Credit of Baitul Qiradh in Banda Aceh City Download Download PDF. Thumbnails Document Outline
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