Sequencer load instruction














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3 Mar 2018 Sequencer instructions simplify your ladder program by allowing you to use a single instruction or pair o SQL (Sequencer Load):. Functions and Instructions Relay-type (Basic) instructions: I, O, OSR, SET, RES, SQO (sequencer output), SQC (sequencer compare), SQL (sequencer load). outputting or comparing a sequence of data on a recurring basis. – Sequencer Output (SQO). – Sequencer Compare (SQC). – Sequencer Load (SQL)Can someone send me some examples of the sequencer Load and output Hi, the SQC, SQO and SQL instructions are normally used on We will discuss how Sequencer functions are used to control output with multiple step configure the Sequencer Load function (SQL), (6) configure the Sequencer Compare . Allen-Bradley SLC500 and MicroLogic-1000 Instruction Set,. The SQL instruction is used to store 16-bit data into a sequencer load file throughout each step of the sequencer operation. The data can come from Input, Output or a storage word address, a file address, or a constant. The symbol for the sequencer load command is illustrated above. 25 Feb 2012 In this lesson we show you how to program sequencer instructions in RsLogix 500. on the SQL Sequencer Load and SQC Sequencer Compare instructions.

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