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50 3.2.5 Connection of the SSW-06 Soft-Starter to the motor .52 Standard Three-Wire Connection (P150=0 You searched for "WEG-ssw06-soft-starter-manual-ssw06manual-brochure-english.pdf" Powerful Soft Starter Benefits Demonstrated by WEG SSW07 View online or download PDF (3 MB) WEG SSW-06 User guide • SSW-06 PDF to keep the motor and the SSW-06 protections active when the soft-starter is being The table below describes the revisions made to this manual. Revision. Description. Section. 1. First edition. -. 2. General revision. This manual must be used together with the SSW-06 user manual The SSW-06 soft-starter parameter memory map is described in the table 2.6. The appropriate soft starter would be selected by the full load Amps of the AC motor. Page 8. WEG Electric Corp. 1327 Northbrook Parkway, Suite 490. Suwanee, GA You searched for "WEG-ssw06-users-guide-0899.5854-1.8x-manual-english.pdf" SSW06 USER'S MANUAL (SSW-06 USER'S MANUAL) SSW06 - Quick Start Guide Motors | Automation | Energy | Transmission & Distribution | Coatings. Soft-Starter. Arrancador Suave. Soft-Starter. Sanftanlaufgerät. SSW-06. User's Manual2.1 ABOUT THIS MANUAL. 2.2 SOFTWARE VERSION. 2.3 ABOUT THE SOFT-STARTER SSW-06. 2.4 SOFT-STARTER SSW-06 IDENTIFICATION. 2.5 RECEIVING AND STORAGE. The table below describes the revisions made to this manual. Revision. Description. Section. 1. First Edition. -. 2. General Revision.
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