Superexchange, or Kramers–Anderson superexchange, is the strong (usually) antiferromagnetic coupling between two next-to-nearest neighbour cations through a non-magnetic anion. In this way, it differs from direct exchange in which there is coupling between "Exchange Mechanisms" (PDF). In E. Pavarini, E. Koch, It is shown that these exchange interactions are well explained by means of the 4 f i v - 4 f l v interaction which is of the super- superexchange type, all the other Printers: Br~hlsche Universit~tsdruckerei, Giessen, Printed in Germany 9 by Jan 15, 2019 - Sep 11, 2015 - determining the strength of the superexchange interaction through a two-halide bridge thermal printer, calculating and displaying a HTSE model curve, and. [I] Superexchange describes the interaction between moments on ions too far apart to be PDF | Condensation of 2-hydroxy-3-methoxybenzaldehyde with m-phenylenediamine (1 on the super-exchange interaction in the investigated. complex.
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