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Fill Ta Bill Form, Edit online. Sign, fax and printable from PC, iPad, tablet or mobile with PDFfiller ? Instantly. Try Now! TRAVELLING EXPENSES CLAIM FORM. Month: 1. Establishment. 19. 2. Name & Designation. 3. Basic Pay. Head Qrs : 4. Purpose of Journey. DEPARTURES. T. N. T. C. Form No. 52-A. [See Subsidiary Rule 3(d) and 16A under T. R. 16.] Net claim. 2. Tour advance. DEDUCT: 1. Advance of T. A. on transfer. * 1. Total of H.P.T.R.7. TARVELLING EXPENSES CLAIM FORM. 1. Establishment. Month : 2. Name & Less Advance of TA/TTA drawn vide. T/V No.DtAPPLICATION FOR ADVANCE OF T.A. ON TOUR. 1. Name. 2. Designation. 3. Whether Permanent/Temporary. Office/Section in which working. 5. Pay + Grade A taxi, single seat in a bus or other public conveyance/by sharing with another Govt. servant in car belonging to him or to a third person to be. (iv) Date of APPLICATION FORM FOR TOUR T.A. ADVANCE. 1. Name of the Officer/ Official proceeding on. Tour. 2. Designation. 3. Basic Pay and Pay Level (as per 7th 3. 4. 5. 13. 14. 15. 17. 16. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 0. 26. T. 27 T28. 1 . . : . . Total. Appropriation for 19 Rs. 19 Rs. Expenditure including this Bill Rs. Balance Amount of T.A. advance. If any, drawn. Certified that the information as given above, is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. Date. Signature of the Govt.

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