Taxation Administration Act 1953 iii. Contents. The Schedules. 1. First Schedule—Amendments of Acts. 1. Second Schedule—Citation of Acts amended. 2. Taxation Administration Act 1953. Act No. 1 of 1953 as amended. This compilation was prepared on 22 December 2008 taking into account amendments up to Mar 30, 2020 - AI]. Accessed 2 December 2018. Australia Tax Administration Act 1953 (Cth). Europe. The European Mar 30, 2020 -Application 3AA. Schedule 1 PART IA--ADMINISTRATION 3A. General administration of Act 3B. Annual report 3C. Reporting of information about corporate tax section 45-215 or 45-420 in Schedule 1 to the Taxation Administration Act 1953. PDF (pooled development fund) means a company that is a PDF within the section 45-215 or 45-420 in Schedule 1 to the Taxation Administration Act 1953. PDF (pooled development fund) means a company that is a PDF within the This is a compilation of the Taxation Administration Act 1953 that shows the text of the law as amended and in force on 24 August 2017 (the compilation date). The TAXATION ADMINISTRATION ACT 1953 - SCHEDULE 1. Collection and recovery of income tax and other liabilities. Note: See section 3AA. Chapter 2
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